sick kids

 Natalie has her first cold of the season.  I love fall but the germs can go to hell.  I’ve become such a germ-a-phobe since Gavin was born.  Some days the only thing keeping me a stay at home mom is the fact that I don’t want daycare germs again.  With my fear of germs has come a fear of puking.  A kind of major fear of puking.  Which brings me to Gavin’s new "illness." 90% of the time we travel, he gets sick the morning after we arrive.  We’ll go to my in-laws and get there at 10am on Friday and on Saturday he pukes from the moment he wakes up until about noon.  Then he’ll sleep for an hour or so and wake up perfectly fine.  Like begging for food and wanting to play fine.  I don’t think it has any thing to do with the actual traveling because he never gets sick when we go home.  I think it’s some kind of anxiety or excitement puking but I don’t know. My psychiatrist (yes, I have a psychiatrist now) has forbidden me from looking up anything health related for 6 months, even if it’s not for myself.  His pediatrician isn’t worried about it but his pulmonary specialist is kind of concerned.  His pedi said we’d discuss it at his three year appointment so I have a month to wait yet.  

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