Baby Momma Drama.*EDIT* *It Gets Better*


the bit I may not have mentioned, ActionMan’s ex is pregnant…supposedly…with twins.
She says she is 15/16 weeks pregnant.
She says she is on pelvic rest, yet wondered if she could go on the rides at Disneyworld, and shes planning a houseparty. She says that she’s having boy/girl twins and that shes having a scan at 18/19 weeks, she doesn’t have a predominant show, just a hanging belly like she’s always had.

She’s messing my man about, one minute she wants him involved,the next she doesnt, she’s still smoking weed and she says she’s only eating one meal every couple of days. She told him that she was shagging about, now she says that was a lie, so IF there are kids, there’s gonna be a DNA test.
ActionMan said he wanted to go to the next scan, that he would take her to it and back again. She said no.
So now in an attempt to try and find out the truth we’re going to request she get him a scan photo.

I fucking hate her so much.
She threatens to cut him out of the kids lives
if they exsist but when he’s told her that he’ll stay out of the picture until they’re born, do the DNA test and then go to court for visitation she threatens him with Statutory Rape charges. Fucking bitch.
Stupid 17 year old conniving, manipulative little slag.
I really hope she’s lying and if she’s not I hope the DNA comes back that they’re not his, then I will piss myself laughing and tell her what I really think of her.
I’ve told him to ask for a pre-natal DNA test then all our minds could be laid to rest.
I swear to God it’s a good job that she’s in AZ and not here where I live.

*It Gets Better*

So the boyfriend of the Baby Momma
is a junkie with a record as long as your arm, and so is the Baby Momma.
She’s moaning as there might be something wrong with their growth.
I’ve blown up at her.
I’ve told her some home truths.
Stupid little skank.
Now I know why she wants ActionMan on the birth certificate and not the boyfriend.
Aslo when I called her out on the fact that shes smoking weed whilst preganant she said
“Even if I quit I’d still be around it because the boyfriend smokes it.”
I actually am going to defend forced sterilisation with her as the argument.
So I asked her if they intend to smoke it round the babies? Get them started nice & young.
She better hope those babies are born and survive, I hear Hell’s pretty pretty fucking warm.

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Woahhhhhhhh 😮 I hope it turns out that she is talking crap. This could get messyyyy :-/

October 5, 2010

Any ultra sound photos would have her name and date on them. It sounds really fishy to me. How old is she? She sounds like a teenager who needs to be put on punishment. good luck, if she’s lying it won’t last forever.

October 5, 2010

ugh, girls like that are such a blight for the rest of us.

October 5, 2010

wow… just wow. I’ve actually seen a lot of this when I was in High School, but why try to guilt a guy into caring for twins without the evidence?