Sleepin’ Easy.

So, Elle has a new little game. The past 2 nights she has slept on the sofa because of squabbles we’ve had.  I know she is doing this to upset me because last night she came back to bed briefly at about 2am because she wanted sex. However, I felt so ill that I didn’t want that, so she stayed in bed for about 10 minutes then came back downstairs despite me asking her to stay in our bed.  I told her it would upset me if she went back downstairs but she went anyway. So clearly she is playing games with me and doesn’t care, so fuck her.

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January 7, 2009

I’m sorry… people suck! *hugs back* thanks… =) -jade

January 7, 2009

wow. she’s a bit crazy. like, she withholds sex for months and suddenly she’s trying to wake you up at odd hours for it? I’d have kicked her face. bah!