hello universe, I have a question for you.

 I have always been very good at being an army of one but what happens when you become part of a unit? I have found my person and I love him because he is independent and opinionated and bull headed and yes, controlling. All adjectives I would well use to describe myself except I would probably sum it up as control freakish when referring to myself. Or she rather, I tend to be rather placating these days, trying not to step on any toes, trying not to get in the way, trying not to take up too much space.


Perhaps this is why I am having such a hard time redefining myself without my job. Perhaps it is not about the job itself but about the fact that having financial independence allows you to have an opinion. I cashed out my option to have opinions. Not voluntarily mind you. 


So now what? One epiphany after another. Oh such insight into self when one starts to ponder it. I know the answers. I know I need an audience. I know I need my local at the end of the day. I know I need to maintain independence in order to be happy as a part of a team, a unit, a pair. I know I can not spend too much time alone in stoic thought lest I go stark raving mad. I know, I know, I know. But how do I do?

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January 15, 2010

Thanks so much for pointing me in this direction. I miss you too dear, and can relate to this more than you will ever know. *Hug*

January 15, 2010

Hi Ramdom Noter dropping by. Sounds like you are outta work and struggling to figure out who you are and what you represent. However being a bloke I am not to good at deciphering cryptic entries. Hand in there – been outta work for 6 months myself – also not be choice. Something will come along though. On a unrelated note – I just love NY city. Been there twice on holidays and never tired of the place. Magical city.