Remembrance Day

My dad was a WWII veteran. As he aged, he started talking more and more about the war. For many years, my sisters and I would make sure to be with him on November 11. Up until a couple years before he died, we would go to the cenotaph and he would march in the parade. I remember the last one he took part in. His legs caused him so much pain, the march almost killed him … I could see the pain on his face – but also the determination and pride as he put one foot in front of the other.

He was a strong, courageous man … and my hero.

I never realized until he mentioned it a few years before he died, but my oldest sister attended the ceremony with him while they both lived in our home town. Every year that they were both together, she went with him.

Honestly – I didn’t even realize there was a ceremony there. (I left at 18 and never went back … my sis was only away from town for around 4 years. She still lives there. In fact, she bought ‘the house’ when Mom and Dad moved away!)

This day has become very significant to me.

First and foremost, I remember my Dad.

But, because of his stories … and now, because children of people I know have died or are serving in conflicts overseas, November 11 has become a very solemn and emotional day for me. Since he died, I always go to the local service.

Well … most years. Not today.

Today I called in sick and am sticking pretty close to home … and my bathroom.

Terrible things are happening – and I didn’t think my coworkers would appreciate my presence.

The dog is happy to have me close, though.

So, instead of going to the cenotaph, I’m watching the ceremony that is being held in Ottawa … with tears in my eyes.

… or ‘tears in my ears’ as my dad would say … and ‘wearing my heart on my sleeve’ as my mom would say.

I find it difficult to be at work on this day because of the emotion, so my upset tummy may well have been my body encouraging me to stay home.

* * * * *

I fell flat on my face while walking the dog the other day.

As falls go, it was not very serious.

But I bit my lip pretty good and was looking pretty darn cute for a few days. It still hurts, but at least the scab is gone.

What is most surprising is the residual aches and pains. I must have pulled muscles and bruised my chest because, omg, I am sore.

… and tired! Absolutely exhausted.

I have come to understand why a fall is so devastating to the elderly. It really messes you up.

Even a young chick like me!!!

* * * * *

Considering the delicate state of my tummy today, I need to ponder my food choices.

There isn’t much in my pantry – I think I’ll go and buy some stuff to make some soup or something simple.

Yes! Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.

* * * * *

Nothing too exciting to report.


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November 11, 2013

I wish you well too.

December 23, 2013

Hello friend: OD has been mean and difficult, I haven’t been here for months…first, I hope you are well, healed from your fall, tummy ailments, and then memories of your dad…honor to him! I wish you happy holidays and many blessings in the new year! Namaste~