Am I haunted?

Do you believe in ghosts, spirits or whatever you choose to call them? I would you say I am a healthy dose of believer/sceptic. When something odd happens I look for logical reasons for it before I jump to the conclusion that its paranormal. With that being said I have had a lot of things happen that would make people go humm.

My first experience was when I was about 5 or 6 I was at a family friends house and me my sister and our friend were in their room on the bed doing head stands against the wall seeing who could last the longest. All three of us saw an old man standing in the door way. By time we righted out selves he was gone. We where confused about how the strange old man got into the house past our parents playing cards in the dinning room and up stairs that where so creaky that no one could come up them without us hearing them. After that I always felt like someone was watching me while I was at their house and I hated the basement I would avoid even just the door leading to the basement it just gave me a creepy feeling.

The house I grew up in I guess you could say it was haunted a lot odd things happened there and still do to this day. The house was built back in the 1800’s it started as only two rooms I can’t remember what it was at first but I do know that at one time it was used a switch board operator for a phone company, and was added onto through out the years. One day while we (the whole family) where in the living room and a potato come rolling out of the kitchen into the living room I thought this was funny and rolled it back into the kitchen only to have it roll  back into the living room about 5 minutes later. I was like ok the floor are not level so I got up put the potato back in the bag and sat the bag up so it wouldn’t roll out again and went back into the living room. Sure enough about 5 minutes later a potato came rolling back into the living room. So I got up to check and see if the bag feel over but it was still up right to this day I can’t explain it. We have heard people talking in another room when we look on one is there. It mostly happened late at night when everyone would be asleep I would get up to go to the bathroom and head a man and woman talking so I just thought it was my mom and brother up late playing cards  but turns out everyone was asleep. We would also hear dog nails clicking on the floor and we didn’t own a dog at the time the one experience that scared me was when the door to my brothers room slammed. Now you could say it was a draft but his door was hard to shut because it would caught on the shag carpet and to pull it shut you would have to pull so hard you almost pull your arm out if socket.
My family still live on the same land just a different house and the activity continues to this day. Door slamming things being move or go missing only to reappear in odd places, disembodied voices, apparitions. The activity ebbs and flows its not constant it’s just something I grow up with so it doesn’t bother me much.
even thought I live somewhere else now I still have had experiences I don’t like to talk about much so people don’t think I am crazy.

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July 10, 2021

I am absolutely 100% a believer. I have experienced way too much to be a sceptic. Some of your experiences seem to be residual in nature- the dog’s nails clicking on the floor, the conversation between the man and woman- all of that will probably happen whether someone is there to witness it or not.

The potato thing is intelligent, but sounds playful and not malicious. I would guess the spirit of a child. I get the feeling that this is all very obviously related to the land itself.

How interesting.

July 10, 2021

@scarlettlee definitely has to be the land. I believe people can be haunted or attract ghosts. Every place I have lived I have had experiences. I have had a few not so good ones as well.

July 10, 2021

@psychoshrimp666 Well, if you have anything that was given to you or that you purchase second hand, you run the risk of ghosties. I LOVE antiques, but I am very careful to cleanse things before I bring them in. I would be very interested in hearing more of what you have experienced.

You inspired me to write a series about my long term haunting that I experienced for 13 years.

July 10, 2021

@scarlettlee ooo I would love to read about your experiences as well. I think I am a sensitive and just pick up on a lot things that most people can’t I won’t say I am full psychic or anything but I have had dreams come true its freaky when it happens.

July 10, 2021

@psychoshrimp666 I am the same way. I will never claim the descriptor of psychic, but I know what you’re feeling.

July 10, 2021

I find this post so interesting! I have had a couple weird things too

July 11, 2021

I don’t think your crazy! I have had soooo many experiences in my house that have been so odd with absolutely no explanations. My house isn’t as old as yours. Mine was built in the 60s by a family and the mother died of cancer while living in my house. After that family moved out a second owner moved in and he ended up committing suicide in my houses office. So I believe you and I also feel like people will think I’m crazy when I tell them about my experiences. I am definitely going to post some of them on here for you and others to read about. But yeah my siblings have also had weird things happen to them as well as my parents my whole family believes that my house is haunted