Close encounters of the ghostly kind

Since many like my last post about some of my experiences with the possible paranormal I figured I would post two more experiences.

This happened back in 2001-2002 with my ex and his parents

It was a dark Halloween night 🙄 yeah I know cliche me my ex and his parents were road loading (smoking pot while driving around) So I don’t know how much the pot actually played a roll in this all I can say is I have never hallucinated while high before, so I will leave it up to you the reader to decide if it was a ghost or just a pot induced panic. So here goes every small town has an Urban Legend about a female spirit haunting a dark deserted road after a violent and tragic death. No one knows if its true or not but it gets told every Halloween that if you drive out to this dark and deserted road on Halloween night and turn off your car and just sit there you will see the spirit of a young woman who was rapped and murdered and dumped on this road, at least that is how the legend goes on this road. My ex and his parents knew how much I loved Halloween and still love it now decided it would be fun to drive out there to see if it was true. When we get there this road is a back road with no houses or street lights for miles the only light was coming from the moon. So his mom and dad where in the front seats and we were in the back seat his dad put the car in park and turned off the engine it was so dark and eerily quite we sat there for about 10 minutes when we noticed a blueish white light glowing off in the trees about human hight from the ground. I was watching this light dart from tree to tree getting bigger the closer it got to us. When the light got close to crossing the ditch to get onto the road we start to panic and his dad tried starting the car but it wouldn’t start. This resulted in me and his mom yelling stop screwing around and start the damn car! I look out again and the bluish white light was gone and I thought oh its over we are ok then all of a sudden the bluish white light reappeared right up to my window and I heard a woman scream HELP ME!!! My blood ran cold it was the most awful horrible scream I have ever head in my life I froze I couldn’t even scream finally the car started and we got the hell out of there. My ex said I was so white he thought I was going to faint no one else heard that scream or even saw the blueish white light at my window so they didn’t know what was going on and they kept asking me what was wrong but I couldn’t think speak anything just stared off in space for two hours. When I was finally able to tell them what happened they were shocked they didn’t see it at my window or hear the scream.

This experience happened in 2004-2005

I was dating this guy and he was living with me at my mom and dad’s house his house which needed a lot of repairs and cleaning after his mother left it in bad condition that is why he was staying with us.  We would have to drive out to his place at times when his brother who lived in a small mobile home behind my ex’s wasn’t home to feed his dogs and the horses. So this one night we went out there and I usually helped him feed the horses but this night I opted to stay in the truck because it was cold out. I was in the truck listing to the radio while he was feeding the dogs and get getting the hose feed together to bring it to the horses. He was in the horse pasture when the radio went staticky which I didn’t think much of it because when you live out in the boonies it happens from time to time. So change the channel but got nothing but static so I reached to turn the radio off when I heard a woman screaming at first I didn’t know where it was coming from my first thought was shit there is a bob cat out there if you have never heard a bob cat cry it can be described as the sound of a woman screaming or a baby crying I was a bit freaking out because my ex was out there unarmed, So I went to roll the window down to holler at him but the screaming got louder and the hair stood up on the back of my neck and the truck got ice cold even with the heat on. That’s when I realized it was coming through the radio it just kept getting louder louder at this point I had my hands over ears to block it out. When my ex opened the truck door it stopped and the music was playing again like nothing happened. He asked me are you all right because I almost jumped out of the truck when he opened the door. I told him what happened and he just played it off as a bob cat or the radio was picking up another station or something. I never felt comfortable on his property again after that.

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