My Evening With The Blockbuster Staff

Tonight I actually worked! I mean real work. Well busy work but still work. It was great and I worked overtime too. It was sweet. Because I got to help close the store and all that. I’ve not run a register yet. I get to do that on Saturday with someone. It was great. I loved it. No one came and saw me at the Noblesville store. But then again no one except for like a couple people knew I was working there tonight. I enjoyed it a lot.

I like this having a job thing. I mean it’s great. This is what I did tonight. I put up tapes and swept the floor and drank mellow yellow and ran a vacumm. That is what I did tonight. Exactly down to the last tee. Oh yeah and I processed my first real member application for someone. That was great, Matt Cox showed me how to do that. And he’s going to show me how to run a register on Saturday. I can’t wait. I’m loving this job so much. I have people who are looking out for me. And I impressed them to, by being early and doing stuff without being asked. Like putting movies up. Which let me tell you even I want to kill the morning staff. Because you see it’s their job to put in all the checked in movies but they didn’t.

Apparently they must of been held at gun point or something because they didn’t get this simple task accomplished. That or it was run by a group of chimps, I’ve not decided yet. Then there were these hicks that came in. And were like “I can get this here tape for $6.00 bucks less then you’re selling it at Wally World.” That was great. They were so annoying and to top it all off they came in the last 15 minutes before closing. And them going on about how they wouldn’t rent movies from Blockbuster again because,”We kept getting them that there late fees and they would send us that them there collection notices.” It was great. Very amusing really it was.

I like working at Blockbuster. I think it’s a good first job. In all honesty I don’t plan on leaving the company till I get my phd in medicine and all that. Can’t wait till Firday football game. Yippie! And I can’t wait till Saturday cause work should be intresting. ~Snickers~

Crazy people are everywhere but why oh why do they have to shop where the sane people work?


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