Black Flag…

Friday was another blur… A whirlwind of a day. All Fridays start off with music 🎵 which always makes for a nice day 🥰 every Friday I get together with my music Director, who I’ve become very close to over the many years we’ve been playing together. We spend an hour of our time together catching up for the week and talking about church and spiritual stuff and… life. The rest of the time it’s practicing either for a performance or just for fun ☺️
The evening was spent in the company of a close friend that I hadn’t had a chance to see in a few weeks. She took me to see Henry Rollins on his spoken word tour. We saw him the last time around (pre-pandemic) and his passion for world issues was really awesome to listen to 😍🌎 This time around was different, this time Henry wanted to talk about life, very intimate details on how he lives. It was quite interesting and sometimes moving hearing him talk about his youth and his days singing with Black Flag. When he talked about graduating high school in 1979 it put things into a different perspective for me because I graduated in 1981 and I found my mind wandering back to those days which gave me a more connected understanding of his stories. Kinda like… ohh… yeah… I get it 👊
Friday was a late night so it was Saturday I really got to reflect 😎
“We are born with a chance
Rise above! We’re gonna rise above!
I am gonna have my chance
Rise above! We’re gonna rise above!
School for me was rough, I left in the early 90’s and then, I went on to college which ended in failure for the most part in the mid 90’s… I just felt so out of place there y’know? Black Flag is punk… I love punk, I love the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, the Buzzcocks etc etc..
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