Hi Ho… Hi Ho…

It was off to work I went today, back after being gone for 2 days thanks to my severe head cold 

Ever notice how being gone from work a couple days feels just like it did when you missed a couple of days from school????

I was wondering if that never goes away?  The butterflies in the stomach wondering who, what, when, why? How will they treat you when you get back, mad you were gone?  Happy to see you?  and what about all the gossip you missed out on?  Ahhhh… you see… that’s the real ticket!  G O S S I P

Do do ya think we’ll ever grow out of that?  I mean what’s gonna happen after retirement?  Join the Old Folks Club and start it all over again?  Gone a couple days and then return to wanting to find out who stole whos applesause?  Who cheated at shuffleboard?

Naaaaa… the club I join when I’m 65 will still be asking "who slept with WHO last night????"

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Maybe so…….. I read where the old geezers are still doing the wild thing quite often…..