Monday sucked

Hello out there.

I have done absolutely nothing all day today… and enjoyed every
non-productive minute of it! Actually, I’m quite worried I may be turning
into a bum of sorts, but I figured if I’m a happy bum, then who cares?
Quitefrankly, I’m sick to the hilt of society and all its stereotypical
demandsit places on us… "the job, the family, the fucking big television,
the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener,
good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home,
leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food,
children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car,
choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption,
clearing the gutters, getting by, looking ahead, to the day you die." I
just love that quote, it’s from Trainspotting if you haven’t guessed and it
so suits my present mood. I’d be more than happy to spend the rest of my
days writing pathetic lines of poetry under an orange tree in Spain or
reading Shakespeare by a seaside villa in Italy, anyplace will due as long as
it’s far from here… spending my nights in quaint Caribbean cafés, watching
people stroll by or even listen to a silly mariachi band, arguing with the
locals about whatever topic was in the air.meeting that special someone
andso on and so on and on and on. Ok, so I’m in a bit of a rambling sort
of mood tonight, well, at least my thoughts seem to be. For some odd
reason I feel so much unsettled this evening… edgy almost…you know,
on pins and needles like that feeling that something awful’s going to
happen and then you just want whatever awful thing it is to hit you and
get over with so you can go back to feeling normal. Ever have one of
those days? Well, I seem to
be having MANY of those days of late. Maybe it’s just a sign that it’s
time to move on in the various aspects of my life or maybe it’s one of
those feelings everyone goes through and gets over?

Once again I’m afraid nothing much has happened since the last time I
chatted to you to warrant much of a reply, hence the aforementioned
nonsense… I’ve had this awful flu-bug thingie, but it hasn’t quite
hit me as yet, and I’ve spent the last three days or so walking around in a
perpetual state of nausea! I think it’s work related, I get these crazy
coughing fits whenever I’m in the office, it’s the environment I swear,
the air is stale, the ventilation sucks and it really irritates me. maybe I
should go on workers-comp or short term disability, now there’s an idea
toponder!?! It really sucks that Monday is a bank holiday and I might
have to pop in nonetheless to sort out a few things.

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Random noter here… I love non-productivty. Cheers!

February 22, 2006

thank you for your note. it’s much appreciated. take care of yourself…and if you’d like to see my fiancee’s diary, it’s blueeyed_angel2475.