m.y weekend.


This weekend, I went to Morro Bay to see my aunt, grandma Mary, and my cousin. We also went up there for my mum’s birthday (which was the 2 of August). She is now 54 years old.

Friday, I saw The Butterfly Effect with Kevin and later that night, I drove my mother and sister to Morro Bay.

Saturday, my aunt, cousin, sister, and I went to Atascadero to find the Goodwill store. We couldn’t find it, so we went for lunch at a BBQ place (where I vegetarian-ly had a delicious salad). Then, we went to the movies to see The Village. Well, it was a pretty good movie- a little cheesy and a slow beginning, but a pretty un-guessable plot. After that, we headed to San Luis Obispo to do some shopping. I guiltily bought myself a whole new outfit, just because I was out shopping and I probably haven’t bought new clothes in three or four years. Then we headed home to our house in Morro Bay.

Now, the bad news. We got there at around 21h and my mother was on the phone with my dad. It turns out that my grandmother Irene on my dad’s side (who lives about forty-five minutes away from us in Morro Bay) had fallen and broken her hip. She had just gotten out of surgery, so we were permitted to go visit. So we drove all the way over there and gave her our love. By the time we were back home, it was around 23h, and we were all absolutely exhausted.

Sunday, we all went shopping again, and finally found the Goodwill, where my cousin got me a nice new outfit. We had lunch at an excellent pasta/pizza/salad place named Players. Later that night, my cousin and I rented Bend it Like Beckham…which was an okay movie. Kinda funny, but overall it’s more of a soccer-fan film.

Monday, we went and saw my grandma again, who was looking a lot better. My mother and grandma Mary headed home so my mum could deal with idiot doctors in Bakersfield. After that, we went for lunch at Players again, and then headed back to the house to start cleaning up to leave.

It is now Tuesday and my mother and father are at the oncologist, dealing with an idiot. My mother is starting chemotherapy today. Once again, she started crying and hugging me this morning, only five minutes after I had woken up. I’m planning on seeing The Bourne Supremacy this afternoon with my aunt and cousin. I’ll tell everyone how it is later.

Edit: The Bourne Supremacy was a mind-trip for me, and the filming angles made me nauseous.

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