Braving the NoJoMo

Well I’m off to a great start for NoJoMo and yes that’s completely sarcastic since it’s November 2nd and this is my first NoJoMo entry.  lol  Guess I’ll just have to try and make up for it one day.  I meant to write yesterday and thought about it but lately I’ve been so tired.  It’s not even lacking energy tired.  It’s that tired where you can barely keep your eyes open.  I’ve been sleeping good.  In fact Wednesday night I slept a solid 8 hours, never even woke up once until my alarm went off yet still was so groggy when I got up.

So one of the prompts talked about "brave" and a time you were brave or even a time you weren’t.  I’ve been thinking over that and not sure.  I mean a few things popped into my head for being brave but at the same time a part of me said "no that was you just being stupid, not brave".  Like some of those were times a friend was about to get into a fight and I was quick to have their back.  While it’s brave in a small sense, it’s also stupid in a sense.  I guess it’s hard to say a time because brave to each person might be a little different.  For some brave might be reserved for things like firefighters, EMS, police, soldiers and others who truly go into dangerous situations.  For others brave could be as simple as standing up to someone.  Actually a time just came to me.  I was with some friends and we were driving back to where everyone parked.  It was crazy because suddenly we see this girl in the middle of the street and she’s arguing with some guy who then jumps in the car and drives off.  We stop because she’s in the middle of the road and next thing we know the car is coming back and pretty much cuts us off.  I hopped out of the car and quickly made the girl get in where I had been sitting and shut the door.  At the same time the driver of our car was jumping out as well to help back her up.  You could tell something was wrong cause she was crying and dressed up.  The guy from the other car ended up taking off when he saw more people stopping as well as sirens.  Ended up then having to stand around and give my side of what happened to the cops.  In a way I guess that was brave because who knows what could have happened.  That’s about all that comes to mind at the moment for a truly "brave" time of mine.  Everything else is just kind of "eh" so to speak.  I mean others might find stuff I’ve done brave but not me. 

I might just have to give it more thought on what I’ve done in my life that could be seen as brave.  Sometimes when you’re put on the spot to think of something you can never come up with anything.  But sure enough later suddenly you’ll be like "oh wait there was this and that"  I know this is a short entry but I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss 2 days in a row of NoJoMo and got something up.

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November 2, 2012

Being brave is entirely subjective and can be entirely personal. What’s brave for one person isn’t for another, and vice versa. Only you know what has truly been brave, for you personally, if you’re honest. Being brave means acting in spite of real fears you have, not letting anything (even yourself) stop you from doing what you know is right, for no other reason than that you know it’s right. I think I may have answered a prompt like this before and reeled off some emergency-type story or one about backing up a friend in the face of a fight. But those things are just stereotypically brave, hollywood brave, not necessarily really brave. For some people, speaking is brave. Continuing with life is brave. Others can run toward danger and not feel fear. That isn’t brave. It’s a tough one. Try and think of the non-stereotypical example and chances are, you’ll hit on something far braver than the thing with the girl and the car. Backing down from a fight to keep the peace. Continuing a fight because you know the other person is wrong and you have nothing to gain and a curious audience. Facing your fears – heights, being alone, some species of animal.