Destroying Socialism

I’m glad that everything is doing great for Trump right now! He has accomplished a lot even with those that resist him in the government. If the Democrats want to get out of this alive, then they need to drop the Mueller thing and move forward. We all need to come together and move forward. Now that everything is better for our President, America needs to focus on destroying socialism.

Socialism, the system that makes everyone equally poor, lol. Socialism does not work because the government is not designed to run a business. Our government cannot even do anything market relate right it seems. Socialism has a divide and conquers strategy if you have not noticed, socialism divides the country between race, class, sex, and so on. Hitler dedicated himself to Karl Marx, and so did the leaders of Russia, China, Cuba, and Venezuela. There is nothing good that any of those countries have done. Russia killed a ton of people. China takes the organs out of their own citizens; China cuts them open alive even taking people’s hearts out alive. Fuck these people; we do not want that shit in America! Socialism rations everything because it cannot keep up with production. Socialized medicine will not work because the medicine will be rationed. Seeing a doctor will sickness will cause wait times. The government will have a say in who lives or dies because the government will have the option to say, “Well, you are old, and the chances of you surviving after the surgery is slim. Sorry, but you are going to die painfully. Why do you think that Canadians come to America to see the doctor? They are waiting six months to a year to be seen in their own country and want to live.

From the Hoover Institute here is an excerpt that outlines why socialism fails, and I invite you to read the article

It was the Austrian economists F. A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises who resisted this idea most forcefully. In their landmark critique laid out in a series of papers written from the 1920s through the 1940s, they concluded that socialism must fail. In modern economies, hundreds of thousands of enterprises produce millions of products. Even with the most sophisticated computer technology, managing such large numbers would be far too complex for an administrative body trying to allocate resources. Modern economies, therefore, are too complex to plan. Without markets and prices, decision-makers will not know what is scarce and what is abundant. If property belongs to all, what rules should those who manage assets for society follow?

Many people do not know that Karl Marx was a Satanist. You would clearly know this if you read his poetry where Karl Marx says that he made a deal with Satan to destroy nations, and I invite you to read all of Karl Marx’s poetry

“Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free.

Even a woman in Congress who came from a socialist country is against socialism in America

When it comes to the 2020 election, we need to stop socialism in America. I will not vote for anyone that supports or calls themselves a socialist in the upcoming election. Anyone person in that supports the New Green Deal, Medicare For All, supports illegal immigration (which is slavery and trafficking), and anything else that is socialistic. The socialist movement in America must be destroyed. Once we kick these socialistic ideas out of America again, hopefully, the world will follow.


Extra links

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April 22, 2019

With the Muller report it did not clear trump and it didn’t find him guilty of the important stuff.  And to have that hanging over a presidents head is something I don’t like because there is a trust factor.  It’s kind like a judge staying a verdict until later.  I have real issues trusting Trump because of his past history and the way he has treated people especially those who are considered the working poor.  The thing I don’t like is that your medical system is for the rich and the others just do without.  here in Canada our medical system is guaranteed that no matter who you are you get treated and there are many programs that will give you what you need for no cost.  And we will accept almost anyone who wants a better life and to be able to show they can commit to the welfare of the country.  The reason why people go to the U.S.A for medical procedures is because our doctors are the best and they are very busy because everyone has heard good things about them.  And depending on the procedure and how detrimental it would be for the person sometimes the sooner the better.  And sometimes our medical system will pay for the procedure and whatever else is involved.  But then there are some Americans that will come to Canada to get their medications because even paying full price it’s cheaper and going through the hoops is worth the cost.  So it is equal how it works.

I find that Trump can not be trusted because every time he tries to do something like build that wall there is always someone stopping him and now he is taking money from other places that are needed there and then when they need whatever they won’t have it.  And wouldn’t it be way cheaper to just hire more border patrol people then to build a wall?  Getting people working is a whole lot better then some ugly wall I would think.  And just for the record look at Germany when they had that wall…where is it now? and did it really do any good?

From a Canadian standpoint I just don’t think that how Trump is treating the people or the country is right.  The only people he is treating half decently is his family.

I just wish Trump could see into the future and what he has done to those who really want a great America.  Most people I know who live in America are just shaking their heads because they know they will be way worse off…especially those who have pre-existing issues.

I didn’t mean to get you all rattled but from a Canadian standpoint this is what I see and the future does not look good for the rest of the world either.

April 23, 2019


Please come back and read my extra link part that explains why the Canadian Health System is failing.  I would like your thoughts on that one.  I have another link that exposes that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton were the ones that were actually trying to rig the election.

In America, you are innocent until proven guilty.  Mueller does not have the power to exonerate anyone.  He cannot even indict the President.  The point of the investigation was meaningless, and Mueller knew it because he could charge him with anything.  Most of the information in the report on testimony is not even verified just notes, and he said, she said statements.

I support the wall because I know all the illegal activity and corruption that illegal immigration brings into the country.  America is building a wall to keep people out, not in. The wall is just the first step into getting rid of illegal immigration.  Illegal immigration is used as slavery.  The illegal immigrants that are working in our country are slaves, and I do not support slavery.  Slavery ended when the Civil War ended.

I do not know Trump.  I haven’t ever met him or had a conversation with him.  Until I have a conversation with someone, then I do not assume to know anything about them.  You cannot trust what you hear and see all the time.

You did not rattle me up; it takes a lot to rattle me up.  I believe in all possibilities in all directions.  I know what I am.  I do enjoy the conversation.

April 23, 2019


I had to post the links in my entry because for some reason, I cannot link anything when I reply to you.  I don’t know why, but I just cannot.

April 22, 2019

Show me a country where socialism has worked long term.  Eventually, the country runs out of “rich people’s money” and goes the way of Venezuela, Soviet Union, and other failed socialist states.  Even China had to switch to a type of free market economy.

Identity politics; which you correctly pointed out is necessary for socialism, eventually destroys itself.

The all-inclusive and minority rights party, the Democrats, have decided that illegal immigrants are de facto citizens shows they do not care about the minorities in the US.  Most of the jobs illegal immigrants take are the ones held by low-income Blacks and Hispanics who are legal citizens.

Please destroy socialism in the US, and then come help beat it back in Canada.

Why do people feel the need to say they are an expert or a smart one?  In my experience anyone who says that is not what they claim to be.   As well a citizen should not be speaking on behalf of a country.

A smart one should be detailed in what they like and understand the issues before spouting off their fingers with a snowflake-like diatribe.

As a Canadain, I’m embarrassed by what a fellow countryman said and the words he put in my fingertips.

One last thing, my father worked in the US while retaining his Canadain citizenship and paying Canadain taxes. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he had to pay for his treatments in Canada because the government wouldn’t recognize him as a Canadian.  It took me nearly two years of court battles with the Ontario government to get his fees reimbursed.

The reason is health care is run by the province and not the Canadain government.  Again something a smart one should know before shotting their fingers off.

I find that people who claim they are smart are not to be trusted.

April 23, 2019


Socialism just doesn’t work period.  The sad thing about socialism is that it turns those that possess power into killing machines, and if the party doesn’t kill then, the system kills.

What do you think of this article?

I hope America treats socialism as the same as it treats communism, and that is to do our best to keep it out of our hemisphere.

I am sorry that that happened to your father.

Your words are true.

I consider illegal immigration as employment as slavery.  They pay them extremely low wages and tax them for bringing them here.  They control their lives as having ownership over their home and many other things.  Slavery ended here when the Civil War ended.

April 22, 2019

I agree with Jay the smart one…medicare for all is the way to go to cover everyone equally.

April 22, 2019


But that the things are that it does not cover everyone equally.  Medication is rationed, doctor visits take a long time that people die or become worse off than they were.  If socialized medicine works, then why is it failing around the world?

Read this article from Forbes before you decide that socialized medicine is great.


April 23, 2019

I just read the article about the Canadian medical system and in the places it mentioned is true but I have found here in B.C. it doesn’t seem to be like that.  The reason being is because whatever I have needed a specialist for I have always got them in a timely matter.  And pretty soon we will be having free MSP(Medical Service Plan) payments so we won’t need to pay to see a doctor or get a referral.  And if people here have extended medical then they get either 80% or 100% of their prescription costs covered.  We also have dental insurance which is similar to our medical costs depending on the type of insurance you have.  I just feel sorry for those who have pre-existing issues with them then you have some plans that won’t take you on as a customer or even help you live a “normal” life.  And I also don’t like the idea that with certain medical plans you can only go to certain doctors who will take those people.  The poo ere you are the worse it is and the options are not as many as for the rich.  here there is no discrimination all of our doctors and dentists and specialist take everyone no matter what.

I think the two medical systems should be what I call universal and work in both countries just so if someone needs to travel to that country they will get the same quality of care and each medical system will pay for that person no matter what.  But then I am just a Canadian so what do I know?


April 24, 2019


The evidence is quite clear that Universal Healthcare is failing and does not do anything great for the country.  If it wasn’t for our system, then the Canadian system would suffer because Canadians can travel here and receive the medical help that they need.  There are ways of seeing doctors, even with pre-existing conditions in America.  I have seen doctors for cheap with mental health services, and I have been poor most of my life (in American standards).  Anyone at any time can see a doctor in America, and if they cannot, then they can go to the ER.  Everyone is covered in America.  I am not saying that our system or your system is the solution.  I will be writing about what I believe is the solution sometime down the road.  I just have to think about the entry for a little bit, but I don’t explain things that I have already thought about doing better than they are.

April 24, 2019

@raphaeltiriel I wish we could adopt another countries medical system that everyone would like…maybe Sweden’s or maybe  like New Zealand?

April 26, 2019


All socialized medicine is failing or in the process of failing.  There is an answer, and I am not saying that it is the perfect answer, but there is something else besides socialism and capitalism that will work.  Have you ever studied the Venus Project?

April 27, 2019

@raphaeltiriel  I bet you between the two of us we can come up with something much better and that would be perfect and everyone would be happy with what we came up with.

May 2, 2019


Maybe, I think that the solution that I will present is a great stepping stone, but until it is practiced, we wouldn’t be able sure.  There will probably be things that need to be worked out that I cannot perceive but it would definitely be a step in the right direction.