
Seeing that this place was back was honestly a huge (albeit pleasant) surprise. I was actually mulling over where to do these kinds of writings again over the past month or so and recalled this place, but regretted that it was gone. Less so than I thought, apparently.

I do the bulk of my daily typing on 750Words, but always feel slightly constricted by the word limit. As if I can’t write more than 750 words there, which is, of course, bunk. So, it’s good to see this place back again. Really good, actually. My first account was made back in 2005, and again five years ago (as my tiny handful of old posts show), and now…back again. It’s odd to think how this place has grown up with me, and provided me something I needed when I was a kid. Now, I hope it can provide me something I need as an adult.

From 15 to 28. It’s amazing to think of how long it’s been. I both do and don’t wish that I had access to my oldest posts, but I don’t regret having gotten rid of them, as they were from a much rougher time in my life. I’m not usually the kind of person to let old things go, so it’s good to be able to do that for a change. It’s healthy, I think.

So, some things that have changed since I was here last, I suppose:

  • Adopted a bearded dragon in 2012. He is my grumpy large son and the reason I get up on the harder days.
  • Have had an amazing, talented partner for the past few years. I always feel lucky that she’s in my life.
  • I finally read the Silmarillion. Finally. (And the Pliocene Exiles books by Julian May, which had been on my TBR for literally over a decade.)
  • I’ve made a serious effort to start (re)learning French. I remember how much I loved learning it in school back in Canada, and now, living in Europe, want to refresh that.
  • Started a high dose of lexapro to help both my depression and anxiety; it’s been an Actual Godsend™.
  • Due to my greater control over said anxiety/depression, I took an extended weekend trip to the UK to meet up with a friend group of mine that I adore. It was a huge, pivotal moment for me, and I’m so glad that I went.
  • Came out as trans & nonbinary to my friends and family. It was both precisely as frightening and not nearly as frightening as I thought it would be. (My doctor is also informed on that, and booked me in with a clinician in Dublin for consultation on it. It’s been two years, but the waiting list is hella long, and I have to rely on my medical card.)
  • Starting a bullet journal a couple of years ago has, as of yet, been one of the most important decisions I’ve made — second probably to starting meds. No lie. It’s helped me organize and prioritize things that I normally have trouble with, and thanks to it I’ve implemented routines in my life that I seriously struggled with before.

That’s it, maybe? I truly live a boring as hell life, but there’s some comfort in that, I suppose.


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