NoJoMo – 14

I need something real to write.

I’ve been so sick and then in so much pain that I can’t think of anything outside of it.

I haven’t working on my NaNoWriMo ‘novel’ for over a week – and the lack of progress has pissed me off.

I’m back to not being able to sit up for more than 5 minutes without massive amounts of pain causing me to wiggle and move like I’m sitting on ants, or have ADHD like one of my students.

My day’s consist of lying in bed on my stomach icing up my back and legs, trying to struggle to sit up long enough to do ANYTHING, using dining room chaise placed throughout the apartment to be able to sit down or get back up. Sleeping becauase I can;t so anything else. And sometime because the couch is soft, I sit up and play Fable for a bit because it’s mindless and easy to walk away from when the pain gets too bad – unlike writing this where I am squirming because I am in so much pain and refuse to get up and lay back down until it is done.

I can’t take any more time off of school. I have to go back on Monday, and I can’t even fucking walk without holding on to walls or a person.

I’ve got to stop saving these to Private.

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November 15, 2008

You can’t really go back to work when you’re in that condition 🙁 I really hope you get well soon, in the meantime, do your best to take it as easy as you can. (((HUGS)))