Question Five

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind: Marc and Angel Hack Life.

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

I realize that I am very child-like a lot of the time, so if I could change one things about the world I want people to be more like children.

Watch little kids playing together. When they look at each other, all the see is just another little kid to play with, they see their friend. They do not see their gender or race, they do not see any sort of handicap or difference. Little kids see a whole person who they simply like because they exist. They share in joy and sorrow, and they live such happy little lives. Imagine a world filled with that simply joy.

Even when there is a disagreement, little kids are for more likely to forgive each other and move on. They do not hold grudges, and while they might use the word “hate” they do not truly understand the feeling, and the frustration is soon forgiven and forgotten anyways.

Children are pure and innocent and see the world that way until adults fuck it all up for them. They look at their friends and see people, until adults teach them to see labels. They forgive easily and love openly, until adults teach them to close their hearts and minds.

In the end, how would this change the world? If we saw each other as whole individuals instead of labels, we would be more forgiving. We would love all freely and openly. Conflicts could be averted and compassion would rule the day.

My mother raised me on the Beatles, so this has been one of my favorite songs since I was young.

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