SNOW!!!! * edit

It’s been snowing up in Prosepct since around 7 am – I got up here around then because I had this feeling the roads would be bad, I was right.

So, lunch is nearly over – it’s been snowing for alomst 6 hours straight and there is no sign of it stopping. There is over a foot of snow out there – Can the Alaskan say “home”? 😀 I’m a little worried about driving home, but I’m sure the roads have been plowed. The kids think we should cancel school – I keep calling them whimps. I am loving this! But I am a bit worried about coming back tomorrow as well. My car is a 2 wheel drive Blazer and it’s been a long time since I have driven in snow . . .

I’m home sick. I have been for a long time at this point – ever since my parents moved from Alaska. The last time I was home was in the fall of 2001. Last year for Christmas, my parents bought my brother a plane ticket and he went to stay with friends up in Alaska for two weeks. . . I tried not to be jealous; pretty much everyone I care about is right here anre ways – but I miss my home.


The drive back down SUCKED!!!!! There was 16 inches of snow by the time I left – and it took 10 minutes to get out of the damned parking lot because my blazer was plowed in. Another teacher helped me shovel snow out from under the tires and then pushed me out himself (I owe that man cookies!)

The roads were barely plowed, and covered in wet slush on top of ice. I couldn’t get my windshield clear enough to see through – and it is FREAKISHLY dark outside; like someone simply spilt ink over everything. I have never seen it this dark, ever in my whole life.

I just about had a panic attack about 7 to 10 miles out of Prosepct beause it took me nearly 20 minutes to get that far. Overall, from the time I got in my car to leave to the time I got home was just under two hours – it’s about 47 miles. Tomorrow morning is going to SUCK.

BUT – the snow looks pretty.

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November 28, 2005

That last sentence made me grin – I can totally see and hear you saying that! =) Hugs, ~Q