Sunday night Insomnia

I don’t know why the wife and I even bother trying to sleep sunday night, is so seldom happens and really for no reason. Life is pretty good, we aren’t overly stressed, don’t overly have anything on the minds that would keep one wake, I mean money could always be better, as things are a bit tight at the moment but in another month it’ll all sort itself out. But regardless 9 out of 10 sunday nights we just toss and turn and get 2 or 3 hours of actual sleep (if that) My Doc gave me sleeping pills a few years ago for it, but they did nothing, i would take 3 times what he said and still couldn’t sleep, so i gave up trying. And it’s funny no other night of the week do I ever seem to have this issue, just sunday.
Work today was crazy (i work in a gravel pit, loading trucks and crushing rock into usable product for building on top of) We crushed over 1400 tonne in 6 hours… plus I loaded over 60 trucks, plus having to mix materials to run through the crusher. I can’t wait for this pile of rock to be crushed (hopefully mid week next week)  it’ll all be done and life at work can go back to normal of just maintaining the pit and loading trucks. But the new company wants to do a lot of new things in there come spring to make life easier (which it will) it’s just going to be a pain in the ass in the mean time getting it all done.

Well time to make some taco salad for dinner before the wife and kiddo gets home.

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