
My boyfriend of 7 years and I just broke up yesterday.

He’s been such a huge and important part of life for the past 7 years that it’s hard to figure out how to move on. I guess, ultimately, to an extent, i’m afraid to be alone. There I said it. But looking back, while he was very supportive, he was very often checked out when he was doing stuff in groups with me. I had always kinda chaulked it up to shyness (he was definitely more open/friendly with people that he knew better). But in our time together, I did very often wind up doing many things alone (traveling and whatnot). So ultimately, I know that the future life is not that different. But there’s not going to be anyone to come home to. Not going to be someone to wake up to, to just BE with. I don’t know how i’m going to be able to move forward, knowing that when I look back at this time of my life, he’s going to be there, in my memories. in my pictures. I understand the need to rejigger my outlook on my future, and I was prepared for that.What I was fully unprepared for was how hard it was going to be to move beyond the past.

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