The Shit Show Goes On

I know that it is impolite to discuss politics, religion, and sex in “polite” company, but I feel the need to stand up for what I believe in.

This week I have been dealing with what I think is righteous anger.

I do not recognize my country anymore. Our current leader in my opinion is a traitor.

In fact, I consider most of the administration that he’s put into place are full of traitors and people who care not one whit for the security or the freedoms of its people.

What is particularly alarming is the government’s slant in saying that domestic terrorism is the number one threat to our freedom. The problem with that is their definition of domestic terrorists is a white male who is a patriot.

It is nice to know that I am considered a terrorist just because I believe what I believe, what used to be what every patriot who ever loved his country believed is now considered terrorism. You do not have to be a genius to figure out that most of the population are sheep who depend on three networks for all their worldview and news and the powers that be take advantage of this ignorance and spoon feed them whatever they want them to believe. That is why there is such a push to basically get rid of shows on the conservative side of the radio and television. And let us not forget that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. now regularly censor any postings or videos that contradict what they believe should be the truth. In my opinion they should lose all section 230 protections that they were given and face lawsuits by people they have shut down.

The push for gun control, the push for transgender rights for children and the harmful invasive and inhumane medical treatments that they do to minors in pursuit of that grand immoral idea, the push for abortion on demand no matter what term of the pregnancy. Every one of these policies is detrimental and harmful to the spiritual and social fabric of our nation and I fear that in unless we do something, we will lose our country.

The most serious problem is the erosion of our rights. Our right to gather freely, are right to worship according to the dictates of our faith, the right to own and bear arms. Our Government has become oppressors.

I wholeheartedly believe that there was election fraud. Anybody who will look at the facts has to come to the same conclusion. Those who deny this are the ones who believe whatever the MSM tell them. The Supreme Court are cowards, the lower courts are full of cowards and they refused to look at the hundreds of sworn affidavits and other evidence that was submitted.

But most people are sheep and won’t even take the time to look up the facts for themselves, they just eat the pablum they are spoon fed and go back to playing with their shiny little new toys that Apple and the rest tell us we cannot live without

. I call bullshit and will stand against all to my last breath.


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