Let me introduce myself

So my name is Meranda but y’all can call me Anda and I am 33 years old YAY.  I live in GA which isn’t all bad but I can’t help feel there is something else out there for me in another state.  I haven’t had it easy in life and that is an understatement just trust me on that one.  Let’s just say my child hood was beyond tragic and adulthood (mainly love affairs) hasn’t been so stellar either.  I like to think I haven’t dwelled on it to much or played the victim card throughout life but maybe I have and didn’t realize it who knows.  I have always tried to be a good person, do the right thing, and always do unto others as I want done unto me.  The biggest highlights are I was married at 18 had two kids and he passed away on my 23rd birthday.  All other ex’s that came after were all the same terrible person just in different packages so that leads us to the present and how I have declared I will be single forever.  My whole life those who said they loved me never did, where the ones who hurt me, or always walked away from me.  So that’s about it about me for now anyways.

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October 9, 2020


October 10, 2020

Welcome fellow Georgian.

Hi Anda! I am Sammy. 🙂 Welcome!!

October 10, 2020

Welcome! Look forward to reading more from you.

October 10, 2020

Welcome, Anda! I’m sorry to read about your struggles. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to lose your husband, not to mention on your birthday. I hope you’ll find OD to be a good outlet and place to connect with other people.

October 21, 2020

Welcome! GA will always be home for me, though I’ve been in Florida for about five years now. I do miss a lot of it.