It’s a Dilemma

Here’s my Dilemma

Should everyone have a happy ending? Is there such a thing? I believe that for some there may be. I do not know if I will be one of those who finds my prince charming and lives happily ever after. My parents are happy, and have seen both kids off to futures and lives, and other exciting places. Does that constitute as happily ever after?

Should I know what awaits me, or should I trust that life will work itself out. I do not know. Should I wish upon a star and hope that someday Iâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢ll find a man, and get married, and have beautiful children, and live happily ever after somewhere. Will I ever live to see such happiness, the kind that only storybook characters find in life.

My life may never be a storybook, but I do wish for one thing. I wish that I live to see a day so perfect that the world stands still and that I enjoy my life to the fullest. That I can feel the soft breeze and live to cherish the things the world has given me.

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