Homeward Bound

HELLO FELLOW OPers, Come APRIL, me and my wife have lived in NEBRASKA 8 years………that’s longer then I stayed in California and Arizona, but things haven’t been all COUNTRY LIVING and MOONSHINE DREAMS here, its been hard sometimes, being out of work not once, but 3 times, not working for a whole dam year, dam near no food in our house sometimes, the death of my mother in law in 2010 really sentĀ us into a very bad place…………..so what do you after almost 8 years of hard living……..you return to which you came. My wife is in college, she is scheduled to graduate in December, we had a longĀ talk about it and…………she going to be doing PROBABTION, and from what I’ve heard K.C. can use one, me on the other hand I want to be closer to my daughter, since I already missed most of her growing up(she just turned 11) and I want to get to know her by being in the same town for once……….so come this time next year ill be writing on KANSAS CITY time. Nobody in my family knows yet, and i’m not telling them anything until we get everything settle here, and by settled I mean getting my FATHER IN LAW somewhere he will feel comfortable, getting jobs, a place to live, and so on, so folks, there is an old saying……….THERE NO PLACE LIKE HOME, and I never thought I would miss my hometown so much, the country has been great, I know more about cows then anybody on earth(cows, female that is, have periods, who knew), and I have more respect for farmers now that I got to see them at work for 8 years, and I’ve seen hospitality in every form………but now its time to get back to racial profiling, gang violence, family trife, and ebonics talking, cause THIS COUNTRY BOY is head back to the hood……………SO SAY WE ALL

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February 9, 2018

Lived in Nebraska the first 55 years of my life. Born in Nebraska City, then moved with my first husband to Falls City, and spent the final 17 years on a farm near Salem. I now live just across the border in Kansas.

February 13, 2018

@dlk082244 wow, me and my wife want to leave mostly because of my father in law, he just lost his wife,and me and my wife took him in afterwards, that was 7 years ago, and now he yells at my wife, barks orders at her, and never says thank you for any of if….so we decided that we’ve done enough,its time to leave.

February 13, 2018

@robertmc I certainly don’t blame you!