
Don’t you just love dreams? I have always been a vivid dreamer. I guess that come from me being so shy and socially restricted in real life – my subconsious has to let loose in my dreams right?

I don’t normally stwitch on the laptop in the morning, mostly I check fb and twitter on my phone, but this morning I felt a need to write down my dream as it may be one of those that fades away.  Any body out there who knows all about what dreams mean, feel free to analyse!  Mostly when I have a dream, you can kinda understand why you have dreamt what you have dreamt. From things that have happened that day, or maybe something you have watched on tv. 

Ok, so I will try and cut this down to the basic facts, although I have to admit there was a lot of detail in this dream!  In the dream I am a sort of housekeeper/housesitter.  and I have a good friend who has asked me to him a favor. He has a friend who has had a small accident (not sure what) but has left him temporarily blind (they hope anyway!) He’s not ill, but has been advised to rest up for a while so my friend has offered his house in the country to stay, with selected staff to help him out.  He asks me if I will help too as I am someone he trusts. Anyway, it turns out that the person I’m helping to look after is one of my favorite actors (I know where that part comes from lol) He arrives and at first he’s very grumpy and frustrated – who wouldn’t be in that situation. Over the space of a few days,(the dream is a lot more detailed here, but I’ll by pass that!) we start to get on. He starts to accept the help he needs, and we really start to get on.  One day he asks if I would give him a shave, as he’s sick of having so much stubble having not wanted to ask previously.  I have never shaved a man before and I’m nervous, but manage it. (now this scene I’m pretty sure is from a mills and boon book I read!)  As I’m shaving his face – it all gets a bit intense, sexual tension. Of course being me – once I have cleaned his face I run off. After that things are different, there is something between us – but always aware of who he is, I make an effort to try and keep professional. One evening he is particularly down, thinking he will be blind forever, I go to hug him and he kisses me, leaving me swooning – man that guy is hot! As amazing as his kisses are, I tell him we should stop (damn me for being so correct!!) and leave to go for a walk. The next day my friend – who’s house it is arrives. we catch up and he goes up to see his guest, I follow with a tray drinks and I’m about to go into the room when I overhear them talking. His eyes are getting better and he can actually make out shapes. I hear my friend testing him asking how many fingers he’s holding up. I am struck with total fear then. I don’t want him to actually see me.  so I run back downstairs, grab my stuff and hastily write a note explaining that I had a call from my family saying my mother was ill, and then leave.

The dream goes on a bit after – my friend calling me to find out what happened and I’m honest with him and tell him the truth. He tells me that ‘he’ had been upset he hadn’t got to see me and asks after me. I tell him not to let him know where I am and to just let me stay a tiny memory – he would forget me soon enough with his busy life. My friend tells me he doesn’t think so – and that ‘he’ is actively seeking me out to thank me for everything I’d done. My friend tells me ‘he’ said he missed me and wanted nothing more than to see me. I pead with my friend to keep me annonamous, which he aggrees to.   However I end up going to a party, and to my shock ‘he’ is also there. I see him from a distance and then…… I woke up!  Don’t you just wish you had a to be continued switch in your brain so you could carry on next time you sleep!!

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October 10, 2013

The meaning could be to do with you not feeling as though your hubby sees you as more than his housekeeper? Also do you have low self esteem about your appearance? That aside, you need to write that Mills & Boon! X

October 11, 2013

Very interesting dream! Ermentrude’s analysis sounds pretty darned good. It reminds me of a dream I had not long ago that was similar and REALLY vivid– it was right after we’d gotten hooked on The Mighty Boosh and Luxury Comedy. It was quite long and complicated but in a nutshell I was part of some show Noel Fielding was doing, realized he was kind of hitting on me, was thrilled, arranged to meethim somewhere— then realized that OMG I HAVE A REALLY HAPPY MARRIAGE DON’T WANT TO SCREW THAT UP!! Told NF I was actually already spoken for, invited him to come to the US and visit us (in the dream I was in England) and ended up with him very excitedly telling Russell Brand that he was coming to visit me and Baker B in NC and go hiking. I was slightly disappointed at no romance but also really relieved that it all worked out. I think these dreams may be a longing for something a little more exciting than every life!

October 11, 2013

I’ve had a dream that was continued..I woke up and went back to sleep and it picked up where it left off..it was really kind of weird to me.