
All the feels with this 😭

I read back on my old entries and some do seem like stupid high school bullshit. But a lot of it I still feel today.

Depressed. Alone. Suicidal (but I don’t hurt myself anymore, nor will I attempt to kill myself). Fat. Worthless.

Life is still pointless.

So this is fun. Maybe I’ll start writing again, seeing if maybe it’ll be good.

Miss the community we had on here. Having people to talk to who weren’t here to judge.

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<3 I would say it gets better but here I am at 30 still dealing with all of those things.

April 8, 2018

@alwayschanging-alwaysgrowing I’m 29!! I thought that it was going to be better by now! Engaged. Decent job. Pretty good life. And I still want to jump off a bridge x.x

April 8, 2018

@alwayschanging-alwaysgrowing <3 here if you ever want to talk!

April 8, 2018

I’m  34 and I still feel similar…I think life is just hard and it really is what you make of it and I am trying to be better…I’m trying to be happy but it’s hard when back things keep happening.

April 8, 2018

@firesofred it’s so hard to keep being happy and optimistic when every crash is worse than the last. And the anxiety gets worse. Here if you wanna talk!

April 8, 2018

@saoirse  just feeling bad because i got out of a horrible relationship and I miss him even though I know he isn’t good for me. He is a narcissist and selfish and I need to give up on wanting things to be different and I need to just forget him because it is toxic.

April 8, 2018

@firesofred I pm’d you!

April 8, 2018


It doesn’t matter if you have the perfect life, you’ll always feel the same way inside. Believe when I say that I too am in your boat, or are you in MY boat??

All you can do is the wins when you can, even if you have to force yourself to do it.

April 8, 2018

Ooops, I meant to say “take the wins”

April 8, 2018

@iamwilliam whoever’s boat we are in at least we aren’t alone!

And taking the wins is pretty much the only way that I’ve made it through these years.

April 9, 2018

@iamwilliam I feel like a lot of people are in the same boat…we just need to learn to love ourselves and forget everyone else.