Facts About Me

1] bold all that we have in common [2] change the ones we don’t to fit you 100 things about me 01. I like the color blue…a lot. 02. I am creative. 03. I am in college 04. I hate to read anything by Danielle Steel. 05. Statement number five was there. 06. I don’t have a tattoo 07. I live alone. 08. I have freckles. 09. I am a passionate person. 10. I have a problem confiding in people i don’t know. 11. My ex has bronchitis and he won’t stop smoking weed. 12. I like to masturbate. 13. I don’t like hoodies. 14. I have red hair 15. I close my door when I go to bed. 16. My eyes are blue. 17. I cry a lot. 18. I love reading 19. At the moment, I am in love with myself. 20. I love to laugh. 21. I am in love with chocolate. 22. I can swim. 23. I do want a tattoo. 24. I don’t want more piercings. 25. I am a teenager. 26. I despise most of the people i know. 27. I have no pets. 28. I go to movies with friends. 29. I love cuddling. 30. I like to write. 31. I am a critic. 32. I can’t drive. 33. I have received underwear as a gift from my ex. 34. I am in love with chocolate. 35. I HATE cleaning. 36. I have a job. 37. I want nothing more than a blue Lamborghini. 38. I would love to have bigger breasts. 39. I wish I were rich. 40. I wish I could play football. 41. I hate work this year. 42. I used to play disturbing games with my Barbies. They were a messed up family, I’ll tell you that much. 43. I believe that the answer to all evils lies is the ability to scream very, very loudly. 44. I swear quite often. 45. I have never seen an Alfred Hitchcock movie. 46. I hate know-it-alls. 47. I thrive on drama. 48. I like cheese. 49. I have yet to see the Pacific Ocean. 50. I think Michael Jackson has some serious issues. 51. I think way too much. 52. I like to watch Tv. 53. Starbucks Frappuchinos are nice. 54. I write when I’m lonely. 55. I like jeans. 56. I love being loved. 57. I collect handbags. 58. I tend to bottle up my emotions 59. I am going to France in less than four months. 60. I will never ever forget the events of the past year. 61. I like to rant. 62. I listen to hip-hop. 63. I am interested in the JFK assissination and conspiracy. 64. I love to be kissed. 65. I want to be marvelous 66. I love tacos 67.I love dancing 68. To an extent, I believe in Karma. 69. I am flexible. 70. I wish I had more money. 71. I have done things that make me hate myself. 72. I work in an office. 73. I hate being on my period. 74. I liked The Catcher in the Rye. 75. I love laughing with my friends. 76. I love getting mail from friends or family. 77. I hate to shave my legs, armpits, and crotch, but I still do it on a regular basis. 78. I really dont care anymore if Jen and Ben end up together. 79. I love going places and doing things. 80. I hate being left out. 81. I don’t care about dissapointing people. 82. I’m really bored. 83. I smoke weed. 84. I smoke and drink. 85. I am paranoid. 86. I hate not being good enough. 87. I love my family. 88. I am nervous about losing weight. 89. I love the summer. 90. I need to buy more CDs. 91. I get scared being in a room with no open windows. It feels too closed. 92. When I write too quickly, it looks sloppyl 93. I love my friends. 94. I hate liars. 95. I hate being bored. 96. I procrastinate.97. I am hungry right now. 98. I know nobody named Matt. 99. My favorite pop is Coke Light. 100. It’s pop, not soda.


Here are some facts about me, all are true. The bold ones I have in common with the person who wrote this.

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March 22, 2005

Thanks for your note! But it is pop, not soda!

March 22, 2005

thank you for the note, and it is soda, not pop, lol.

March 23, 2005

no no no its pop not soda damnit. i relate to a lot of those things in your entry. most disturbingly my barbies were lesbians. i had a disturbed childhood. : )

March 23, 2005

not that theres anything wrong with lesbian barbies, its completely their choice…naturally!

#12…very nice…~scott~