Chimney smoke and bacon, blowing straight at me

I’m looking and feeling rather pregnant today.

I had a bunch of mundane stuff I was going to write about, but I forgot what it was. Stuff happened today, so I’ll write about that unless I remember the other stuff, ok?

This afternoon Kerry came up to visit briefly on her break. She wanted me to look at the Lake Compounce website so I could see what rides they have and could say if Jake could go on them or not. The way she was asking made me think she was going to take my child, not my husband, on Sunday. It was rather cute either way, she cares about Jake. How could you know though, he’s so awesome.

Yesterday afternoon I made Petie pasta sauce (good yummy sauce with ground chicken in it… my favourite. Not the best batch but I was multi-tasking and hot/tired) while I baked 2 potatoes. I was going to make gnocchi but after all that cooking I wasn’t really feeling like eating that. Plus, Lexi decided to puke a few pieces of food which is normally Jake’s job to clean up (I can do the foamy water puke but the food makes me gag to the point of almost having to clean my own puke off the floor) but it was hours before he was due back and it was right in the doorway. So I spent the rest of the afternevening with a hair trigger gag reflex so I had ramen for dinner, nothing I would have missed. Baby behaves now though, it seems if I threaten to ground it, the pukey waves during/after dinner go away. Yay!

So tonight’s dinner was home-made gnocchi. Even though I had the potatoes baked and ready, it still took 2 hours to prepare, partially because I kept having to sit down because of being tired and so hot. Why was the kitchen heating up so much? Nothing was on in there!

My first attempt of ever making pasta, let alone gnocchi, and it turned out PERFECTLY. I guess I grabbed all the right parts from various recipes. I was so proud of myself when I took that first bite. Of course, due to my growing belly making things squish upwards, I could only manage about 6 gnocchi before I was FULL, it was still massively delicious. Perfectly made and perfectly cooked. If only the sauce was perfect. Ah well, can’t have everything.

Oh yeah! I remember mundane now! Not really mundane, but yeah…

This weekend, we are busy pretty much the entire time. So, of course, we get invited to 2 diffferent family gatherings. Saturday is Kassie’s (Jake’s stepsister’s daughter… our stepniece?) 1st birthday party. Jake doesn’t want anything to do with that side of the family, and I have seen them maybe twice so I don’t know them enough to have an opinion so I go with Jake’s. So that was kind of good that we had a legitimate way out.

We also got invited to Kristen’s (Jake’s stepsister on the good side) place where "everyone is coming over to see the new apartment" on Sunday, but Jake will be off doing his thing, and won’t have keys so I can’t really go off on my own and leave him trapped outside. Hopefully he is done by 3 or not long after, because I do really want to see that side of the family. They are all lovely and we haven’t seen them since 2 days before we found out I was pregnant (other than Lisa, that is) so it would be nice.

I do find it slightly funny though, that both of those events were things planned in advance, but our invite was just… forgotten.

Must go sit on couch, belly too squished in this chair…

Title: Well, it sure smells like it is! Yummmm.

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August 4, 2011

I’ve never had gnocchi. Always wondered if it was any good! 🙂 WTG making it yourself!

August 4, 2011

Love the picture you look great. Kristen is always last minute everything. Food looks good but that baby and mommy look better

That’s a mighty fine bump you’ve got going there! (It took me three attempts to get the e on the end of fin. Oh dear.)

Baby bump! 😀

August 5, 2011

Your gnocchi does look the perfect consistency! Well done you! Lee Mee xXx

August 5, 2011

That gnocchi looks great. Well done. And what a cute baby bump. Well done with that too. Love you lots.

August 5, 2011

Look at that baby bump! I love that you’re just wearing your regular jeans. That’s what I did when I was pregnant…just slung them right beneath my belly for the whole 9 months, lol!

August 5, 2011

😀 Well done – I’ve never made good gnocchi before!! Although from memory, I think I’ve always boiled rather than baked the potatoes, which is probably mistake number 1… We shall have to do this while I’m a-visiting. Which is really soon!!!

August 5, 2011

Gnocchi? Ooo.

August 5, 2011

snc- whenever I sit down to write an entry (which lately has been privateness), I forget COMPLETELY what I was going to write about- so I just ramble on about something else. You do it a hecka lot better than I do, though. eee your homemade gnocchi reminds me of when my Dad used to make it! <3 Thank you for that. Awesome memories of delicious. Will try to stay in touch and nort more. <3

August 5, 2011

One last thing!: The very first line of this entry – perhaps cause it was placed right underneath a photo of a quite pregnant you – cracked me UP. XD Either ’cause it was a statement of the obvious or just… it sounded funny. But a LOT funnier because you actually ARE baby-carrying. XD

August 6, 2011

OMG OMG OMG. I don’t come on OD for 6 months and I come back and you’re pregnant! Wow, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you. Congratulations! :D:D:D

August 8, 2011

Ouuu, belly is growing! And the pasta looks yummerlicious! ~jo