He turns the envelope into a PIRATE! (DITL p2)

Part 2 of my exciting day. I think I took too many pictures. Picture taking is fun, putting them into an entry and making them the right size and stuff = not so fun. But its worth it. Oh yes. Mmmm (of course, the first half of the day is in the previous entry!)



Nacho-making!! Jake was very talented at getting the perfect photos of food-sprinkling. chicken/turkey, cheeses, doritos, salsa… MMM! They weren’t as good as they could’ve been, but there was too much meat and it made the chips kinda… soggy. Nice, eh?


We still ate them all, and enjoyed it (for the most part). I also took my multivitamin and baby-prevention pills. Look at the size difference! Always amuses me.


You’d think we were hungry or something. Directly after eating dinner, I had bran loaf for dessert (mmm) and Jake had oatmeal!


Chocolate raisins and a rice cake. The perfect snackables to consume whilst putting some photos online! (heh mutated raisin!)

I went to hug the Jake and the only place my legs could go were on his shoulder. So I’m a bent-in-half freak. It’s all good, I got me a huggle. And we are both smiling, so woo!


I took some advil to attempt murder on my body-pains, and watched Food Network Challenge: Cereal Skylines. It had Duff from Ace of Cakes, and he won, so that was awesome. I had seen it before so I knew that, but still. tv! The guy in that 3rd photo, he inspired my title. He said something about pushing the envelope so far… or something. Made me say "he turns the envelope into a …. PIRATE! Coz I’m cool.


I moved to the bed to watch Good Eats (souffle!) and Brain Train. Flash is an awesome invention, coz without these pictures were really dark. 🙂


I putered a tiny bit, mostly norting Candice. Then brushed my teeth. And took the creepiest photo ever. (except the others like it were ever creepier…. what the) Mmm clean tongue.

And then the day was over (way over, it was like… 1:30am!) so it was bedtime for me and my very hairy husband. heh (I don’t know why I look like I had a black eye)


Did you enjoy my day? Didja? heh its almost ninja.

For a more day in my life with even more pictures, and weird things, you can go here. You don’t have to, that’s only just so its… known. Or something.

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i reconize that kind of remote.. i have that same style of Remote 😀 Chris

April 5, 2007

OMG OMG i’ve been dying for some type if nacho thingy. please give me your recipe! pleeeeeease i have a bag of doritos calling my name.

April 5, 2007

heh coolness! I should do something like this except: A) My life isn’t this interesting B) erm… my life isn’t this interesting 🙁

He is really hairy. LOL And – I want to know – can you swallow the prevent-a-baby pill without water?? I was kind of proud that I could =) ~L

oh! and your nachos looked like lasagna the way you layered it…..mmmm…nacho cheesy lasagna goodness! ~L

RYN: The picture with the bran loaf has a picture of your remote which is like my remote 😀 Chris

Your nachos look so so so good! I love texture, so I can only imagine the joy I would have experienced getting all over said dish of joy.You seriously weren’t kidding about your husband. Wow.

Ok, for some reason… I was amused greatly by the thought that perhaps you look like you had a black eye because Jake’s hairy man-nipples attacked you. Yeah, don’t mind me. And yay for norting me! I am the Candice, fear my… Bandito Minions? I’m really digging that doona cover set/etc, the colours are gorgeous. YOu have faboo taste! It’s like taboo, only fabulous. Yep, I’m going away now. PS.Advil look like naked M&Ms

April 6, 2007

RYN: Well if you need to be MORE jealous… I’m going to Ross Noble on Tuesday 😛 Although I already told you that I think 🙂