Hello? Game time!

Snoozing, waiting for trick-or-treaters with the overly organised bowl of candy.

Laundromat today… lots of fun. They had redone the floors so they didn’t look scummy! That made me happy. Not as happy as finding out the other day that they have redone the hideous roads near the mall, but still happy.

Stupid store next to the laundromat had no shoes for a Sezzie though. Probably because they are stupid. All the shoes were either leather, or heels. Most were both. I do not approve. I NEED new shoes, my ones are constantly trying to remove the inner sole as I walk. And that is not good. Yargh.

I’ve been running around as a lazy witch all day. Lazy because I didn’t put on my hat until dinner time. But still… eyeball socks? If those aren’t witchy, what would be?

I made my birthday cake today. Just helped me when it came to the batter being dumped into the pan. Because it is a marble mud cake, I took the chocolate batter and he had the plain and we alternated globbing it in there. I really hope it turned out good, it is sitting in the fridge covered in chocolate buttercream frosting right now. Yum.

I do hate baking cakes though. I need to remember how much I hate cakes. Jake claims it is my cake pans, and he is the one who convinced me they were good pans and I should get them, so it’s all his fault. Heh. The cake was mostly hassle-free today, except for the small FIRE in the oven. It was dripping out the bottom of the pan. Stupid spring-form.

Ellen told me to open the present from her, because it was my birthday in Australia. So I did. It is awesome! It is a TURKEY with TOE SOCKS. It’s almost like she knows me or something. Very cool. I keep looking at it and squealing IT’S A TURKEY!!!! I love turkeys.

I’m saving my other presents for tomorrow, even though they are all from people in other countries where it is already my birthday.

Sezzie the baking witch, looking massively tall.

No one came looking for candy tonight. Silly kids, passing up free candy. I saw some walk right by the house!! By that point I had given up and was getting ready for a shower. Silly kids. Mmm… candy.

So I think I shall get comfy on the couch, wih my husband and my bowl of candy, and watch Michael Jacksons’ Ghosts. I love Ghosts, it is so very full of awesome. This character amuses me the most.

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You do look ridiculously tall. It must be the hat. Love the socks!! Hope the cake turned out for you. Happy b-day!

October 31, 2009

*gasp* I know that dude in Ghosts! He is like the leg-slappy guy, an icon in my memories. You remind me, I need an apron to look all “I’m cooking” when people see me, I think I need one of those uber-frilly ones in novelty material, like a sort of cooking skirt. LOL @ turkey. Turkeys are awesome coz they are pilgrims who wear multiple belts 😉

October 31, 2009

ryn: you need a video camera genie, “tada camera” would be easy. I’m just pointing at the picture in the catalogue and J fetches it, so he is sort of a genie… I can lend him to you if need be. J was wearing a sleeping Mouse like a scarf earlier, I took photos if your benefit. I’ll post them when I sleep then get up and create the 1st November entry

October 31, 2009

No one came here, either. Then again, no one ever does. 🙁 LOVE the socks!

October 31, 2009

Did you leave your porch light on, because that’s like a balloon tied to a mailbox… except it’s the symbol for candy over here not party

October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday!!! 🙂 Have a great day and enjoy This is it! (again)

Just popped over from the NoJoMo diary to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! *smiles* Hope it’s a wonderful day for you. And I absolutely ADORE the picture of “Sezzie the baking witch”…too awesome! 🙂 Take good care!

November 1, 2009

You look faaaabulous!! Lee Mee xXx

Happy birthday!!!! We only had three groups of trick or treaters last night. Ah well, more for us! I did get one compliment on my witch’s hat from a little girl, lol.

November 1, 2009

You do look very tall! I think it’s the hat. Hehe. I also dressed as a witch to give out candy. When I took my cheap plastic hat off, it was all wet inside. My sweat had pooled in the pointy part. Ewwwwwww! Happy birfday!~jo

November 1, 2009

We had two girls call by for trick or treat. I was so happy as the candy was waiting near the front door for them. You do look tall. And it is a great costume. I love the eyeball socks. And your hair looks quite a bit shorter. But good. Love you!

November 1, 2009

We didn’t get any trick-or-treaters, either. But we’re in an apartment building, so it makes more sense. 🙁

OMG I love your tights!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!! :))))

November 1, 2009

RYN: No sadly I haven’t 🙁 No job = no monies to go. But I will buy it when it comes out if I don’t get a chance to see it in the theatre.

November 1, 2009

yea people skipped my house as well. goobers.

November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday! Awesome outfit! and It’s the mayor! 🙂

November 1, 2009

ryn: Those fingerless gloves are made of awesome. I spotted them in store and ran over squealing, it’s like the store knew I wanted a pair. I bought mine (raver hobo ones) then spotted purple stripeys and was like “wow, it knew I wanted some and knew EXACTLY what kind Sez would like” it even provided the matching scarf. Speaking of scarfs, did you like the Mouse scarf photos?

November 1, 2009

adorable looking witch I’d say Happy Birthday darling

November 2, 2009

AWWWWWWWWWWWW! CUUUUTE tall-ish Sezzie witchieee! You look adorable. 🙂 I bet any trick or treaters that came were jealous of your outfit! Btw: SOOO MUCH FUN TALKING TO YOU ON THE PHONE TODAY. 😀 😀 😀 Thank you so so much for calling. ;.; I loved it so!! I’m STILL picturing MJ going: “*lol!!* IT HAS LEAVES!!”

Freaking awesomest socks.