It smells like a hug for my nose

Yesterday we began a 3-day feeding of Nick and Stacy’s cats. They are off at a wedding and needed someone to feed the cats. Of course, I was more than happy to help out, it means I get to see cats! And as long as they don’t hiss at me, pat the cats too!

So both today and yesterday we headed over to Naugatuck on Jake’s lunch break. Both times, Deeka has been perched on the arm of the couch, and Meeka has been hiding in the bedroom. I fill up the food bowls, Jake fills the water bowls, and then we try and pat the cats. Deeka allows two pats and then hisses. Meeka sits right near me on the floor and allows a little bit of pattages, but if Jake tries to come near she runs off. Jake is a big scary man with loud feet so I can understand them running off, but their daddy is Jake’s brother Nick, who is just as giant. Both days I tried to get a picture of one of the cats for my daily photos, and thankfully today I found the lounge room light so I hope it worked.

As you can see, it was still pretty dark in there.

Tonight we are going to Michele’s place for the monthly pizza/game night gathering. Although there may not be games. Or pizza. Still nice. I baked some cookies. I love having an excuse to bake, so every time we get together I make something tasty for dessert. Today’s treats are peanut butter cookies and oatmeal raisin choc chip cookies. I don’t know if anyone has a nut allergy and as I said to Mum, I don’t want to be cookie-discriminatory. The oatmeal cookies were way way easy, I had a bag of dough balls in the freezer so I just baked half of them. And now we have a pile of peanut butter cookie dough ball in the freezer too. I love it, so so quick and easy to have fresh baked cookies whenever I want now.

When Mum was here, I told her about a specific pie pan I have been looking for. She went home, told her friend Marilyn, who just happened to be near a giant kitchen warehouse type place the other day. And now I have my pie pan. Of course, it is in Australia and so I won’t get it until Christmas time but still, I have one! Mmm… awesome. (in case you are wondering, it is a 9 inch diameter, 2 inch deep tart pan with a removeable base, for making apple pie.)

It is relatively cool and rainy today, which is AWESOME, especially because I had to bake.  It still got really hot in the kitchen, but thankfully that is a seperate dimension from the lounge room so it is lovely and cool in here (our kitchen/lounge doorway has no door or anything, yet it doesn’t allow heat to travel between the rooms. It is magic and therefore the rooms are in seperate dimensions)

You know what you should do? Sponsor me for the Alternathon as I raise money for make-a-wish! There will be baked goods!

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July 23, 2010

I should invest in a pie pan someday. I love pie.

ryn;; Really, it’s such a cinch! Basically, separate out just the front section of our hair, and comb it all to your left side. Separate it into three skinnier sections, then start braiding on the right side, pulling in more and more of the other pieces as you go. It takes a few tries to get it right, but it always turns out so cute! (Definitely do it on wet hair; it’s so, so much easier.)

that is an awesome kitteh! Chris

July 23, 2010

Kitterbums! ~jo

July 23, 2010

Yum. Cookies!!!! Cute kitty. Love you!

What a cute kitty. Mew! So, if I were to say, want to freeze some dough balls (haha), how would one go about that so they dont ruin?

Pretty kitty!!

July 24, 2010
