Just a few things.

Yesterday, Ashley and I went for a walk. Up to the lights, crossed over, along the other side of the road to the crossing, then back home. I need to find out how long that walk is. Ashley walked, except for crossing the roads. We did 2 laps, and when we came inside she was still loaded with energy, running all over the place so happy. During the walk we saw twenty buses, so Ashley learned a new number!

Yesterday afternoon, Gale called inviting us to dinner. I asked Ashley if she would like to go to dinner with the Pa that looks like Daddy, Daddy’s Daddy, and that we would be going to the same place as last time so maybe we could throw rocks again. Her response: “babies? …Chips!” And then for the rest of the afternoon she kept telling us “pa, chips.” Good thing she did get to eat chips at dinner.

As we were leaving for dinner, I sent Jake back in to get Ashley’s sippy cup. While we were at the car waiting, the girl who bought my old car showed up to take it away, so I got to meet her (and didn’t have to look out the window and find him gone like I expected). That was cool, we thanked her and she thanked us. Nice to know he is going to a nice seeming family.

Ashley, today is Thursday. Do you know what tomorrow is?
Yes! And what day comes after Friday?
And what is happening on Saturday?

Such a smartie.

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She’s such a brilliant squidlet.

She is bright as a button that one! 🙂

Loved this. =)

September 21, 2013

Important question – Does your new car have a name yet? Also, Ashley is smart and adorable, but that pretty much goes without saying 😀

September 22, 2013

And now it is Sunday and I am here. Whoo-hoo!!!!