Massive picture/video catchup

I have words to say but many pictures to share so… I’ll get my words done quick, yes?

Ashley had her 18m doctor appointment this morning. 9am. So ridiculously early. I get up at 8:20 usually, and we had to leave then. I thought that would be HORRENDOUS-HORRIBLE-YARGH but it wasn’t too bad. We all got up at the same time, about 7:15. Was quite nice to have morning time with Jake, that rarely happens on weekdays.

Ashley is 32.5" tall and 23lb 4oz. The Dr was rather impressed with everything, but especially her speech. Baby was just blathering away, in between tears of course, because she remembers getting shots now so she just CRIES. Poor thing. She got two shots (Hep B and DTaP boosters), both in the same arm. Oh what a toughie. She spotted the bandaids this evening and said "owwie!" but that is just her association with my wearing bandaids, it doesn’t mean she hurts. She has been a happy bubbly smiley moosh all day long.

Ok, media time.

Laughter is always awesome.

Fun this afternoon.

Monsieur Cookie!

Quite possibly her cutest/oddest outfit ever. In the other 2 pictures she is feverish but still happy to wave to grandma and play. (At least she didn’t look like this…)

An adorable frame I was gifted while pregnant and finally got around to filling with pictures. Birth to a year, monthly. Awesome idea. And then… Ashley sweeping the pool.

Abacus (Colours yay!), somehow fitting in a cereal box, and waving in the pool with her free bubbles.

New table and chairs!

Shopping, reading, washing her hands in a bucket.

New rug (Ashley ADORES it. "Flowers!") and rocking her Dad’s old hat.

Log in to write a note

Oh my god baby giggles. They are the best. THE BEST. It is very important to sweep the pool. *nods* She’s far too freakin’ cute.

August 21, 2013

I love love love her dress in the 2nd video. We recently bought a clock that had twelve picture frames around it (instead of numbers on it) to put Lily’s monthly pictures in. She’s got really good pronunciation.

August 22, 2013

so cute

August 22, 2013

I love everyone of these pictures and your new rug!

August 22, 2013

I’m with Lisa. I’ve just had a great time enjoying the videos and photos.

August 23, 2013

So much adorableness 😀

August 28, 2013

This was so darn cute! I can’t believe how grown up she’s looking! Hugs to her from me 🙂 xx