“Maybe snap my fingers…”

It has been raining all day. Driving to the mall and back, most of the time I could barely see the car in front of me there was just SO MUCH RAIN. I was very glad I left an hour before the movie, because I got there almost at the same time the previews started.

This Is It is an AMAZINGLY AWESOME movie. I cried when he sang a bit of ‘Speechless’ (I woke up wanting to cry, so I think that was mostly just the first release point… as well as being so lovely) and a couple more times, but overall I was enjoying myself way too much to feel sadness. It was so great to get to see it. I can’t wait for the DVD with even more footage. I couldn’t help dancing in my seat when Billie Jean started playing.

I can’t wait to see it again on Sunday!! I’m gonna sit much closer to the front, it’ll be like watching it in giganto-vision, which should be great.

I also got a little surprise with my ticket.

I thought this was rather cool. I’m hoping they still have some when we go on Sunday, then we could have more. Hahaha. Stash o lanyards.

I also got the This Is It CD, which isn’t that exciting because I already have a greatest hits cd (actually, I have 2!) so I paid a bit much for 6 songs (3 of which were original demos of songs like… beat it) but it is amusing and looks like a little book and that makes me smile.

I tried to go shoe shopping, and actually found some that I wouldn’t mind spending money on, and they were too small! I hope they were in the wrong spot (I forgot to check), because if size 10 shoes are too small… that’s just annoying.

Ugh, every time someone talked to me after the movie, I had to get them to repeat themselves. The movie was VERY full of bass. Loud, feel-it-in-your-chair bass. I’ve had a blocked ear for a couple days now, so all that bass really dropped my hearing level. Although that did remind me of the one concert I’ve been to.

Ooh! This morning I went to the post office (it was only spitting at that point, not bucketing thankfully) and there were 2 packages waiting for me! One I know is from Jenn, the other… I’m not sure. I’m waiting until Sunday to open it so it shall be mysterious until then.

And after the Poffice (as I like to call it) I went to the drug store and got…

The colours are a lot more vibrant in person. I don’t know why they went bleh. The BEST part of this hat though… that spider is meant to make "halloween sound" whatever that means. But IT DOESN’T WORK!! That makes me so happy. I didn’t want to have to be careful of noisy spiders. So yay! Pretty hat without noise!

So, in closing… today has been awesomely awesome and lovely and nice and rainy.

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October 28, 2009

That is a seriously awesome witch hat! Good choice.

October 28, 2009

OMG You look GREAT in that hat, are you a witch???? Matt and I are coming either Tuesday or Wednesday to see you and celebrate your BIRTHDAY… I will let you know which day in the next couple of days, think of where you want to go.

Yay for awesomely awesome days! Glad the movie was fab and I love the witch’s hat!

October 28, 2009

Woo hat! I want one of those necklace thingys. lol. 🙂

October 28, 2009

Your drugstore sells hats!? Bizarre! But very cool all the same! 🙂

October 28, 2009

cute hat! glad you enjoyed the movie. i’m a little interested to see it..

October 28, 2009

I wants a lanyard, I’ll go on Friday and tell them so too. Huzzah for Leon present. Huzzah for movie being awesome. Huzzah…for everything except the shoes, shoes are weird in countries not being Oz imo. Here everyone is like size 3 and I’m like size 6…mmm…feeling giant! It’s craziness. My feet are tiny, they like Oz size 7s for the room. I love your witch hat.

October 28, 2009

I was going to make Mouse a tiny little witch hat to wear to greet kids at the door but I am not up for it. But the idea of a small dog being a very small witch…priceless! I have some green starry cloth, maybe I can fashion them some capes? Coz y’know capes are awesome. Everything is effort when you are sick. We were going to conduct Halloween tarot readings but…y’know, sick.

October 29, 2009

Your hat is SO MUCH COOLER THAN MINE!!! I wish mine was rainbowy! Lee Mee xXx

October 29, 2009

I LOVE the hat. You have to find somewhere to wear it. I’m glad you enjoyed the movie.

Huzzah for hat and film!

RYN: OMG I’M SO SORRY. I had you on bookmarks but somehow I forgot to add you to friends. 🙂 OF COURSE YOU’RE MY FRIEND. Nice hat, btw. 🙂 *

Glad you liked the film. I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to see it or not. That’s such a great hat! I got one but it’s a bit torn now…flimsy thing it is…so I’m either doing a repair job or getting a new one. One way or the other I’m wearing a witch’s hat! Hehe.

October 30, 2009

Every sentence out of my mouth today has started with “hey pretty baby with the high-heels on” then actual conversation…it’s obviously the song of choice, the theme for today. I’m off to cinema now, going direct by taxi. Hooray!

Your hat is fantastically delightful! I had one of those really thin, nylon-like hats for Halloween last year & it completely got destroyed.You have big feet, too?! I rock a 9½-10, too!

November 2, 2009

Love the hat. <3 So so much. And isn’t it awesome when sometimes it’s CONVENIENT for things to not work?! And love your words about TII. Oh crud, now I know I’m gonna cry too. But it’s okay. I know where the title of this entry comes from. <333 ‘Cause you told me! Eeee, when i see it I’m SO gonna wait for that end bit and enjoy it so much. BUTT!! *scrubs* *then huggles*