Mnemonic embargo

Nick (Jake’s brother) and Stacy came over to visit this morning. We took a drive around town, to the high school and back, to see if Zebu (my car) would squeal again. It would not. Nick checked the axle and it seemed fine so his theory is that because of the rain it was the fan belt, so next time it rains I have to go for a drive to see if it will happen again. It is nice to know what was going on and to not have this stress hanging over me about driving.

Ashley, of course, refused to go anywhere near Nick or Stacy. They were only here for a few minutes so she didn’t have time to warm up to them, so she just kept climbing around to my back so as to get me between her and them. It is mostly Nick. She always says she will give him a hug when she sees him, but she never does. I wonder when her man-fear will go away.

About an hour later, Kristen (Jake’s sister… well, stepsister) came over to return our Dexter dvds. She hung out for a while, so she got hugs. We played playdoh and watched Ashley spin and then pretend to be dizzy… lots of fun. Plus Kristen comes over and forces a hug on Ash, which is good because it instantly breaks the nerves in the babe, it seems.

This afternoon I cleaned, as is typical for a weekend afternoon. Somehow, the kitchen floor actually feels clean. We have lived here for more than 5 years. I sweep and mop and sweep and mop and it has always seemed dirty, always felt dirty underfoot even after I have just cleaned. When we moved in the place was grotty so maybe, just maybe, I have finally gotten the place up to CLEAN. It is awesome. The floor squeaks when you rub it, so I kept rubbing my toes on it.

And to cap off the family filled weekend, we chatted with my parents and Natey on Skype this evening. So glad we didn’t do it last night, which is normal time for us to Skype, because Ash had a nap from 6 to 7 and we chat at 6:30.

I want a fake tree for the corner of the room. It looked so good with the Christmas tree there, and now it is bare and I want leafiness there again.

Title: two words I’ve played against Dad in hanging with friends today. He didn’t get either. Hahaha.


Ashley’s favourite video to watch. I don’t know why slouchy is such a funny word…

Jackie, her new baby.

6th of January… giant puddles, and warm enough to splash in them. Crazy.

In a month, we will be singing this to her for her 2nd birthday. My baby is going to be TWO. How?!

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January 13, 2014

Videos keep buffering and not playing much at a time. I will come back tomorrow to try again. *hugs*

January 14, 2014

Lovely. I’ve watched many videos now.