My face is a far side cartoon

I’ve been… rather clumsy, I guess you could call it… the last couple of days. A few days ago I made myself bleed through the use of the cd tray on the computer. I turned around in the chair and had forgotten to push it back in. Kerblamo. Last night I think I smashed into a door frame. I know I smashed my hip into the corner of the oven/stove. And I keep tripping, mostly in the bedroom, mostly over the doona at the foot of the bed. I need a place for that when it is warm like now, but then I wouldn’t be able to just reach to my feet and cover myself if it gets cold.

I don’t remember much of yesterday. I remember the evening oh so well, but the rest of the day… it’s a blank now. I do know that I lost my dinner. Stupid multi vitamin.

Today I had CNN going in the background all day. Having the news on like that reminds me of being at Walt’s, waiting for Jake to get his shave. Tis calming. Plus, I didn’t have to keep refreshing the info topic on MJEOL for up to date news. Not that it stopped me. I also found out there are 3 albums I need. I knew I needed a few more before I would have all the songs, but 3 isn’t bad at all. I doubt I will find them anywhere but online though. There is a reason I don’t have them yet.

On our walk today, the sky opened. We didn’t get drowned though, because it only really started raining as we turned onto Main Street, and the footpath is surrounded by big very leafy trees, so there is no way you could get rained on under those. And once we were out of there, it was barely spitting. Was lovely though, and I could tell it was building when we left. The schools we passed looked like paintings, the sky was so… almost fake looking.

Tomorrow we have a big day of many things. Some that mildly suck, like laundry. And some that are awesome, like lunch/dinner and a movie with my darling husband. He still has no clue what we are going to see. I can’t quite decide at what point to surprise him with the knowledge. Probably I’ll just make him look at the movies available when we are there and see if he can pick it. I’m sure he would.

Title: I don’t get it. heh

Time for… I don’t even know. Maybe the consumption of a miniature brownie.

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If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend ‘Up’. It’s SO GOOD.

June 26, 2009

I love when it rains like that :o) Nom-nom-nom! Minature brownie!~jo

Be more careful with you! It’s hard to get spare parts from Australia!

June 27, 2009

Matty and Jemima went to THE movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Had a three course meal and cocktails with it at the place they went. Matty booked it ages ago. Love you lots.