Pictures, pictures, pics. Coz I have no words.

This is the lovely sign written for the meeting of me at the airport. That backwards z just bams it up to notches of cuteness unknown. (of course, I didn’t see the sign coz it was face down on the ground at the time…)

Posing in the kitchen with Lisa, Jake’s mummy. She’s so awesome, I love her.

I’m a freak, yes. I just wanted to see what this looked like to other people so I made Jake take picture. =D

Forget the freak, just focus on the cuteness of Jake and Bernard the Heffalump. So cute. So very very very cute.

 My Big Bird Juice. Yummy yummy yummy stuff that turns me into a little kid. =D

 7 lil pumpkins in a row!

The window display at the Split Rail, one of Jake’s favourite places to eat and the location of our first date. We were sitting, being normal and eating food, and I notice this cow that’s trying to be a person! It so is!!!!! And as you can see, that place is very cow-filled. Not with real cows though. That would be crowded.

 Run my precious squirrel! Run from stompy man!! (but he wasn’t being stompy, I think the squirrel was just wary as it was on a place where cars drive. It must be a very smart squirrel. Look at how it runs. Very smart.)

  The kitties that hung out in the trees on the other side of the car park. It was early morning so they were sleeping.

And to finish this, coz I’m bored and tired…

A random close up of a flower.

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October 27, 2005

Awwwwwwwww! Such cuteness with the you twoness! hehe SQUIRREL! 🙂 awwwwww that heffalump is just ADORABLE!!! hehe that arm things looks…zombie-like lol 🙂 awwwwwwww!!!!!! I’m glad you were able to spend time w/jake AND his family! I’m so glad you all got along!!! YAY! 🙂

October 27, 2005

Bernard the heffalump is ace! Lianne Marie xXx

October 29, 2005

but… i saw the distinct impression of words here. 😛