my whole existence is flawed.

People in general tend to be almost frighteningly…mundane.  There is no evil in most people.  At the same time, there is no good.  Really, the thing that compels most human action is the ingrained selfishness that’s essential to survival.  Selfishness and apathy.

I don’t discount the ideas of good and evil, though.  However, true evil and true good are rare.  "But how can you say that?  [insert some reference to Hitler or Hussein or suffering in Africa.]"  Maybe I’m just eager to label all humans as apathetic.  But "evil" is best defined, to me, as harm for harm’s sake.  No greater cause, no deeper meaning.  And good, of course, is the opposite.  How often do people do things just to be nice?  No ulterior motive?  People do bad things.  Usually they have a reason.  The reason is usually seriously fucked up.  But they have a reason.  Most of the "evil" in the world is committed by people who are severely delusional.  They are not "bad" people.

I don’t know what I’m trying to say. 

This entry is practically asking some anonymous person to insult me.    

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