
Its been a long time since I did an update on ShaiAnn!!!

She is still doing wonderfully!  I think she has finally had her first cold…altho the only way I could tell she had a cold or was ill was because she woke up crying at night…No coughing or runny nose or anything like that.  I think we both had the body aches of the flu…maybe she was just teething…I dont know..but still doing great in the health department.

Her tooth is still slightly loose.  I guess the hospital was callin my mom looking for my phone number because ShaiAnn is on the waiting list to have her tooth looked at.  They never did get in touch with me. 

At the moment ShaiAnn is running in circles singing "This Old Man".  I love it when she rolls her arms and sings the "came rollling home" part!!!  Such a cuttie!

She can sing her abc’s, and knows what all the letters are if you write them out and ask what they are, she can do it forwards and backwards.  She gets a bit confussed with V and Y, and X and K, sometimes those ones are mixed up, but other than that she knows her alphabet.

Still one nap a day, sleeping great at night.

She occasionally gets candy now.  I know she still dosnt need it but the child needs a treat every now and again…I just try to keep the sugar to a minimum!!

Shes cutting a top molar now…Not sure exactly how many teefies that is now but shes got a mouth full thats for sure!!

I love how much she talks now.  Theres no baby when it comes to talking.  Shes full blown sentences.  Full blown conversations.    She says things every day that leave me flabbergasted!!  I can’t believe how many things she comes up with on her own!!

Sometimes in the mornings she just breaks my heart.  I go in her room in the morning and looks up at me and askes me if its time to go to school.  WHERE did she get THAT from??  My 2 year old daughter is asking to go to school already!!  Its not like I took her to one to visit or anything…Where does she come up with this stuff?

Still doing about the same with her counting.  1-15 in english and 1-6 in spanish. 

She can draw happy faces.  The eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hair and eyebrows all go in the right place.  She draws little circles for most and a line for the mouth…but they are all where they should be.  I love her drawings!

Oh…She gets CAR SICK!!!  Poor thing.  I have to take extra cloths, a towel to put over her and plastic bags if we drive anywhere just to be prepaired.  I feel so bad for her!

But it was SOOOOOOOO weird the other day.  She was telling us she was feeling sick and that she was burping.  So I threw the towel over her and got the bag ready just in case.  She seemed to be doing fine…then all of a sudden MY stomach starting doing these flips and loops so I turned and looked at ShaiAnn and she said "Im Sick Mommy" and started to GAG….

My Child was about to vomit…and MY stomach starts to do flips!!!  It was the strangest thing I have ever felt in my life…Without looking at her I KNEW she was about to get sick!!!  Like our stomachs had some unseen connection and knew what the other was feeling!  I swear…creaped me right out but amazed me at the same time.

Anyways, its nap time so thats a little update.

We are doing great.

Spending everyday together, I still wont leave her with a sitter.  Still no Mommy alone time, but I still love every minute of it!

Hope all is well with everyone!

Have a great day!

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