this week. lol


ok, lol i know what i said lol but i guess i just cant do it. lol i cant make myself write in here everyday. so this is what im going to do.

i have got me a recipe box and im decorating it up all pretty. and i have index cards in it. i have it catogorized into the days of the week.

and behind each days card i have organized all of my hobbies that i do. so i do certian things on certian days. and so i am going to write 

here in my online journal once a week and that day will be every tuesday. now i know this is wed. but i was out of town yesterday with my 

hubby, we did not get in till earley this morning. so i could not do it yesterday. so im just doing it today for yesterday. lol if that makes any sence.


ok, i said i would do another entry on the 3 things i said i done in my last entry, my time capsule, journal-lettering, and pinterest.


so my time capsule first.

i am making a time capsule for my grandchildren to be. see i dont have any grandchildren yet. my children are not even married yet.

and dont even have any boyfriends yet either. lol so who knows when i will ever get any grandchildren or if i will. lol  ok so i got a

time capsule at wal-mart that is really for kids. but im doing much more with it than just what that is. it is just a little bitty 

round container that dont hold very much, just little things. so i filled out the papers and colored the pages that came in it. and im going 

to put those in the little round container with some little things. but then i decorated a tall round lemonade container that i put the little round capsule

in and im going to put other things in there with it. then im going to put that in a shoe box that i will decorate too. and put other things in it also.

i am giving myself one whole year to work on the time capsule, to fix it up real good and hopefuly put lots of good things in it. things like a newspaper,

a dig. watch so i can see when it died when the capsule is opened. i am searching other things you put in time capsules too. so if anybody out

there knows any good stuff to put in time capsules let me know in the notes below. im also going to tape myself talking to my grandchildren onto little mini tapes

telling them little stories about me and my life, my childhood. and put those in there with a brand new mini recorder and battreys in case they dont sell them

any more at that time. ok im not going to barry the time capsule, when i have worked on it for a year, i started on it in feb of this year. i will just keep it hide up in my

closet somewhere. and i dont have a certian time for it to be opened either. what im going to do is once i have grandchildren, when the most of them turn 10 years old

is when it will be opened. see i will be telling them about the time capsule before they get to that age so they can be looking forward to it. and if im still alive i will be

with them when they open it. but if im done gone they will open it without me. so i also need some good ideas of how to let them know about it in case i die before i

have grandchildren. so if yall have any good ones leave them in the notes below too.


ok my journal-letter that im doing with my friend in ms. i just decorate the pages i write my letter on, kind of like scrapbooking, but not really. i i keep it for a long time

and write in it when i can and date the days i write. then i will send it to her. when she gets it and reads it. she will write me back the same way and send it to me

and so on and so on.


ok pinterest, it is just an online stick pin board that you can pin up all kinds of things that you  see and like online. and it is fun. im sure most people know about it

by now if not just go to


                                                                             ok see yall next tuesday,




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