Anniversary Death Of My In Laws

Good Evening all in 3 days Oct 19th it will be the 5th year of my father in law’s death He and my mother in law both died of cancer. Even tho it has been five years it still feels like it was only last month that they passed.I help take care of them both while they were sick and in and out of the hospital ever other day. But I know in the end they are no longer in pain and with thire love ones. My mother in law Died on April 2,2001 and like I said my father in law died Oct 19th Seven months after she did. It is very sad to lose anyone to cancer. And as you all know it is Cancer awareness month. So I thought it would be fitting to share about my in law’s. Please take time to do an entry about someone who died from cancer and share your story with others. Till next Time All. ShortyLock,…..

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