Stupid Eletronics lol

Good evening everyone. I do not know what is going on with my phone or Face Book? I can not message anyone it just acts like it’s not even there lol. Who knows what is going on? Are there solar flares happening? It would make sense. Anyway are there any Nashville Pred’s fans in here? I am a fan of them. I am just sitting here typing out this message when I should be watching the game. I find if I watch the game they tend too lose not good lol. So far they are winning that is really great news…….. This morning I came back to OD because here I knew I could share my thoughts and feelings well anything for that matter. I have been in a lot of pain. I’m talking to the point too where I want to cry. I am not trying to hide my pain. Everyone here can see how much pain I am in. I really wish my appointment was tomorrow. It’s not It’s June 8th. In case you are wondering how I know they are wining? My best friend is watching it in her room lol. Okay getting back to what I was talking about……I have gone to my Doctor with my best friend and we both have told him over the past 6 months that the pain pills he has given me are not working they just put me too sleep and make me very loopy. So he take me off one pill and give me another and another. And put me back on the same pills and up the milagrams too 600. Guess what? that really knocked me on my ass and I had no clue what the hell was going on around me. I told my husband I am not taking that anymore. And further more I thought I had tendenites in my right arm. I got a cortazone shot. It made everything 20 times worse. Not only do I still have pain in my right arm. I now have pain in my back and in the front of my belly and still in my legs. Like I said I have an appointment on June 8th with an Orthaptic. So we shall see and I hope they figure out what is going on. I have been dealing with it for at least over 6 months now. I can hardly sleep because the pain wakes me up or when I move I just hurt. I will be back I have to restart the computer. Too be continue………………………….Tina.

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May 19, 2018

Just stubled onto your diary in one of my groups.  I hope you don’t mind.  Is it okay if I am canadian?  Hope we can be OD friends.

May 19, 2018

You got to excuse my spelling, it is really bad….

May 21, 2018

Hi Jay The Smart One. Sure we can be friends. No worries my spelling is not so good either. Nice to meet you. My name is Tina/Teen