High above the mucky muck.:)*edited*

WONDER BOY (Tenacious D)

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I love Jack Black, For those that do not know. I think he is sexy..(think what you want)

Anyway,So what I did lately..

I wrote some poetry, Tried to get my son’s father to visit,But obviously some things are more important to him then his son. Asshole.

He was supose to show up Monday,Tuesday and It is going on Wedensday and still no sight of him.

He told my brother in law he is afraid of facing me, That he feels bad about how treated me. I don’t care sometimes when You have children you become stronger then you actually are and get fuckin balls.

He needs to grow a pair.


Anyway this song happens to be my phones ring tone whenever G calls me.

I work today 5 to close. Watch that be when Tj comes over and calls. Not like he is getting anywhere with getting to take Bud somewhere.I want to talk to him first get all necassary information about where he will be and shit before he takes him anywhere. SO if he comes over and I am at work he will just have to wait. I am tired of his stupid games and stupid shit. He is not in fucking high school anymore. Dipshit.

(I hate stupid ignorant inconsideate pricks)


right after I wrote this entry Tj called. It is like he has impossible knowledge of knowing when I want to tear him apart. He still makes me shake and makes my guts feel like scrambled mush.I HATE THAT HE DOES THAT.

But Onto more positive things..The man I love never ever makes me feel like that. He never makes me feel at ease, He never makes me hurt and I smile just because. which is nice and even when I am raging on the inside, even when i am scared,numb and lost he eases me fears enough to rest assure that i don’t need to be scared, lost or numb. He understands me when I feel this way because he has felt this way. Beautiful Deafening GLory like that must be acknowledged and Recognised. It is rare and beautiful for its own right. And To him: I love you,Thank you.

Ok..That be all. I was going to make this my favorties only but I changed my mind, Tjs mom be damned. I found out I liked the new ppl I have met since I wrote I want to make this favorites only. I will just ignore her crap. Thanks for putting up with my insanity:P..

Mucho Amore Mi Amigos.



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