im a survey stealer. : )







I stole this quiz from mister candyman:

1. How much sleep do you get each night?prolly about five hours..sometimes 8.
2. What time do you go to bed? Depends on what I need to do the next day.
3. Are you an early riser or do you sleep in? I am gonna be an early riser now. : )
4. Do your parents wake you up or do you use an alarm clock? Alarm Clock,on my awesome phone
5. How many pillows do you sleep with? A lot. 6 or 7.
6. What was the last dream about that you had (that you remember)? It involved nakedness. : )
7. What’s one thing that really helps you get to sleep? My ipods soothing nature sounds, a phone call from the candy man..and my chammomile tea.
8. Did your parents buy you those Flinstone vitamins when you were little? Yes..and my sister and I would steal them..and eat them more then how many times my mom wanted us too.
9. What do you normally eat for breakfast?Choco crispies and a power edge drink
10. Do you drink coffee? no..I like it but it makes my tummy yucky.
11. What is your favorite type of food?I love pizza rolls. I also really like grlled cheese.
12. Name a fruit that you just LOVE.blueberries.strawberries…and uhm…oranges( one is impossible)
13. Did your parents have to force feed you your vegetables?No! I heart vegetables.
14. Or did you eat them easily? I sure they are yummy.
15. Are you a vegetarian? Most of the time…Every now and then I want salmon or tuna.
16. What is your favorite type of juice?I like most kinds.
17. What is your favorite ice cream place? Prolly DQ or the gellato place in town..Mmmm gellato..
18. Do you ever have difficulty breathing? Sometimes, expecially after I have had to swallow pills.
19. Do you take your shower before or after you eat breakfast? At night,I like being clean before I go to bed. Unless I excercise in the morning..
20. What kind of shampoo do you use? Suave for color treated hair and a mint conditioner treatment once a week.
21. How long are your normal showers? About twenty minutes..Unless I gotta shave..then its longer.
22. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Twice a day.
23. What kind of toothpaste do you use?I donno..Mom buys it.
24. What kind of products do you use in your hair? GOt 2 Be hair pommade.And a blow dryer and a big round brush.
25. Do you scrub behind your ears? Yes..why wouldnt you?
26. When was the last time you threw up? When I had food monthes ago.
27. Is your house hot or cold? Cool to the skin.Not too bad.
28. Do you own a hot tub? No. I am not very far from the comunity center though.( 20 minute drive)
29. Do you bite your nails? No I got nice long nails.
30. What kind of make-up do you wear?Eyeliner, colored lip glass and base coverage. Eye shadow if I wanna be extra sexy. : )
31. How tall are you? five feet one…with shoes.
32. What color are your eyes and hair? My eyes are almost a black brown..and I have two toned hair. Dark red and a very dark brown.
32. How do you get exercise? Walking,treadmill at the center, Yoga every day.
33. Have you ever been on a diet? After I had bud.
34. What’s one thing you could do to improve your health?Not drink so much caffiene prolly. : )

1. Have you ever been sexually harassed?Yes..I worked with perverted railroaders.
2. How about raped? Do you know anyone that was?Yes. and yes.
3. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Uhm..yes. I was m ean in high school. : )
4. What kind of security do you use for your computer? I donno..Sean put it on for me( my cousins husband) He is a mad computer knowledge person..He rocks. : )
5. Do you lock your doors for everything? Yep..I get mad when people forget.
6. Have you been robbed? Nope.
7. Have you ever started a fire in your house? Lol yep..But it wasnt bad..Just a grease burn..Making fish. : )
8. Are you allergic to anything? Yes. Bees,wasps, hornets, Dust, dog dander,seafood. and certain food colorings.Posion Ivy. Ragweed. Grass. Fire Ants.
9. Have you ever gotten food poisoning? Yes..ITs aweful.
10. What was your last trip to the doctor’s for? One month ago, Cz Imma head case;)
11. What were your last shots for? FLu shot.
12. How many cavities have you had?Like..1.
13. Have you ever had braces?No..NOt one my teeth anyway.
14. Do you have any diseases? I have a bone dissorder. But it is in remission. : )
15. Do you wear glasses or contacts or do you have 20-20 vision? I wear glasses..I am almost legally blind. 😛
16. When was the last time you hurt yourself? I think three days ago…and im not discussing it. : )
17. Have you ever gotten poison ivy?Yes..I am really allergic.
18. Do you have smoke detectors in your house?Yep..One is in my room.
19. Have you ever been bullied? Yep. ALot oin high school hence why I got mean.
20. What kind of home do you live in? A very nice one. Fairly sized.Ranch style four bed rooms,2 bath

1. Who do you live with? my mother,father,sister,son and baby niece…and some times jujubee is here;)
2. Have your parents divorced? No. 34 years this month even.
3. What kind of pets do you have? A spaz cat.: )
4. When was the last time your parents said "I love you"? Today.
5. Do you have a lot of friends? Plenty. : )
6. What are their names? My favorites shall be:Joshums,jujubee, The dustin, BILLNESS, and the mandikins,The candyman,my sister..and my ma. Plus miss bobby sweet and the monj. 🙂 Cz they rock.
7. Where have you had some parties?In my room. Today with the baby niece and my ipod;)
8. Do you still have sleepovers? Yep..On wedensday even.
9. Have any pets of yours ever died?Yep.SParkums:( and Jedi: (
10. How about any family members?My grandma when bud was little. My grandpa when i was a kid..and my uncle Rick.Plus my best friend Em who was practically family. That was awful.
11. Do you get along with people at your school? I dont go to school. BUt high school was hell.
12. What kind of clubs are you in?  I was in girlscouts,band,and the peptonian staff. and debate. Right now I am just a net member through my church.It is all way yay. : ) HURRAH: )
13. What sports do you play? I throw a mean football..But I didnt play sports. I did do cross training track in high school my junior and senior year.
14. Are you considered "popular"?prolly not..But peeps know me.
15. Are your parents protective of you?My pa is fiercely.
16. Do you have a Boyfriend? ……..I supose. : )
17. If not, are you happy with being single?
18. What’s your girlfriends name? Bear.
19. Are you in love?I love him until he makes me mad.Then I wanna kill him.But that is generallly what I am like.
20. What kind of activities do you do with your friends? card games,making food, drinking liquiids..being incredibly silly. Sending awesome texts.

21. What’s the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?stayed up with me cz Em died. : ) Talked to me online so I wasnt sad cz Jedi died.Kept me company when my bone disease mad me bed bound.
22. A boyfriend? Kept me company when I had the flu and got it himself.
23. Do you have a good relationship with your relatives? sure minus one or two icky folks.
24. Have you ever had sex? Yep..its awesome.
26. What’s the most important thing to you in any kind of relationship? Honesty. ANd sweetness. And hugs. I heart hugs. : )
27. What’s one object you love more than any other? prolly my ipod and my phone..and my games and my movies..But the one I heart the most is my sally doll(nightmare before christmas)
28. What kind of music do you love? Everything besides really whiney country and annoyingly repettive songs with poorly written lyrics.
29. How about movies? I like everything from chick flicks to action horror movies to full out meledramas.
30. Who do you love more than anybody else? My son.

1. Do you have high self-esteem?Myself rocks..Unless I am having a bad brain day.
2. What kind of grades do you get in school? Good..Unless it was math then horrible.
3. Are you comfortable with getting up and giving a speech? Sure..I was on the debate team.
4. What’s one action you do when you’re really nervous? My hands sweat.and my leg twitches.
5. Are you good at talking to the opposite sex? yep.I prefer boys to girls mostly
6. What is your favorite thing about your personality? I’m pretty openminded.
7. What do you think is your best physical trait?I like my face. and my neck.
8. What kind of jobs have you had in the past? Housekeeping.Waitressing.
9. Are you a good liar? Not really. My face gives it away.
10. What are some awards you’ve won? writing and debate ribbons. : )
11. Are you good at the sports you play?I won a second and fourth place ribbon in track relays.
12. What’s one cool thing you can do that nobody else you know can? I can do the splits on roller skates.
13. Do you think you’re pretty? For sure.
14. Have you ever rejected a date from anyone or been rejected?Both,yep.
15. Who’s one person you really respect?My mother. SHe is rad. My grandpa that based away. And my dad.
16. What’s one thing you wish you could do, but can’t? Keep my temper. : )
17. Have you ever talked back to a teacher? Sure, got suspended even.
18. Do you think you’ll be successful one day? …dont really care. I feel successful when I look at bud.
19. Do people ever treat you like you’re 5 years old? Sometimes,It really pisses me off.
20. Would you say you’re treated alright by your peers? Peers? Prolly not. The people that count? Most def.

1. What religion do you have? a combination of several.
2. Is there anyone you want to kill? Nope..But people think i should sometimes. : )
3. Have you ever stolen something from a store? Yes.
4. What’s something you’ve done that’s illegal? several things.
5. Do you have good morals? Sure.I would like to think so.
6. What kind of instrument do you play, if any?Flute and dulcimer.
7. What type of "art" do you like to do? abstract..all kinds of crafts.
8. Are you creative? I like to think so.
9. Do you plan things out, or are you more spontaneous?I never plan a thing if I can help it.
10. Are you good at puzzles/problems? Not really.
11. Do you tell any racist jokes? Yuck.
12. Do you push your beliefs onto others? No..
13. What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for someone? depends on the someone too much work to list it all.
14. Can you act immature at times? lol for sure.
15. What is something you want more than anything? a wii.
16. What do you want to make your career? I would like to own my own store.
17. Where do you want to live? I like where I am
18. What kind of car would you want? I have never had the urge to own a car. Not on my own accord any way.
19. Do you want to get married and have kids? Not really I love the kid I have and marriage freaks me out.
20. Is money important to you? I need it for stuff.

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heehehee. cute. <3 Chris