It is three in the morning and I still am awake..

THIS LOVE (Maroon 5)

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Yeah…I have had this song stuck IN MY HEAD ALL DAY!

*growls* Thought i would share the wealth. lol.

I do like this song but after whistling and singing it to myself and other people all day it gets annoying. SO my son came back tonight from his Pa’s house. He has developed some really annoying habits he didnt do before he went over there. Like sticking out his tongue at ppl, Pretending to smoke and hitting ppl including me. (He never hit me before!) I was Like what little man I so do not think so..

I miss parts of myself. I miss me with my friends. I miss my friends. I am home sick..I miss you.


My pa really,really,really pissed me off today.

My mom asked me to make her my fried chicken dinner so out of the kindness out of my heart I made it. I busted my ass too. I mean home made biscuits, gravy,southern fried chicken, Banana cream pudding desert and corn. Busted my ass.Understand? My Pa even knew I was going to do that..He ate at subway because as he said quote on quote He didnt want to eat that crap..

It so pissed me off.

I was like you know what fuck you. I won’t make you a damn thing you inconsiderate jerk.

I didnt say it.

I did say through gritted teeth so I wouldnt say more.

That is really rude. If you didnt want to eat you couldve been more considerate. And I wouldnt have made you anything.

Don’t be rude to me.

And he just glowered and stalked off. I don’t know what the hell his problem is lately.


But anyway LG


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i love you baby thank you for putting up with me last night my emotions are just all messed up right now. i hope you dont think its you bc it isnt. with them messing with my meds its hard to stay composed but anyway thank you

I can understand why you would be upset…I mean after all that you went through to make that dinner.