Lift me up so high that I can not fall…

FLOOD (Jars Of Clay)

 Lift me over..Im weak and Im dying..I need you to hold me again.


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*Calm The Storms That drench My eyes*

I will Be Talking about God Today..SHaring My devotion with you. Later I will talk about more things.

<Now If You Want to Hear me Rant and ramble about Loverly Matt Go back One<

<<Now If You Want to read a Poem I wrote about an ex friend and her boyfriend stealing ways Go back Two<

Noah and The Flood( and how It pertains to me)

Noah The Ark Builder Was named such a name that means To rest. We Know nothing much of Noah, He is only mentioned pertaining to the flood and when they do mention him he is quite old. Before all that he is nameless, and I guess Not quite as important. He lived in a desperate corrupt age, when men have become so universally depraved that the Lord had determined to destroy the human race. In the admist Of this moral darknessNoah’s life was radient with rightousness. He lived by Gods word. His divine mission sent to Him from God was important.

The earth being filled with darkness and violence. It was divinely revealled To noah that there was to be a great flood.  Which would destroy man off the face of this earth.(technically this was very possible, It was proven that the world was quite small* the portions of earth shown* and to flood the world visible wouldve been very possible)

He was then after given a strange and possibly impossible task. Maybe  Noah like me believed that Yes. Nothing when done with God is Impossible, Improbable maybe but never impossible. And if you give it To God it is not even Improbable. It is Capable.He then started to build a immense boat/vessel for perserving the lives of his family, and certain numbers of the animal kingdom. The greatness if his task has seldom been appreciated by man kind.

Now Imagine. God told you Yes YOU, To build a boat to save your family, possibly the rest of humanity.So You are outside building this boat and your neighbors come up and scoff at you. They make fun of you. Maybe even call You crazy. Would you stop? Or would you keep building the boat?

I believe Completely he has some of the most surpassed and undetermined faith I have EVEr seen.His faith was beautiful, correct and holy. Shouldn’t we all strive to be noah?

Now when your world crashes around you, When you feel like you are going to drown. Do you call to god? Or do you give up? Do you believe those that mock your faith? Make fun of your ways? Or Do you continue to March forth? Very assure of your walk. 

See this is where my faith in the best has been hard. But when I sanctifed my soul. It wasn’t as hard. Give it all To God. Call To him. I Pray daily. Sort of like I talk to actual People. I praise his rightousness. I ask for his forgiveness. I ask him to keep me strong. I thank him every day for those in my life. I Pray for my friends I need and love. I Pray that God can give me strength to be the friend they also need.

How often do you Pray? I think Prayer is vital in our walk with God and many completely over look it.

When was the last time you prayed. Opened your arms to God. Say Out loud If You need To" God I can not go on. I am weak and scared I give it to you. All Of it is for you"

You will be suprised. I was.


So That is it..and again : ) Listen to the song while reading the essaydevotion. Tiamo.

I hope you all see beautiful things in this world. I hope you all see Glorious truth. I hope even through the darkness around you, You see beauty is there. And I hope that It lightens your load.

Adios Mi Amigos y amigas y mi amore,


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May 4, 2006

Hey, no worries!!! U can do it! I thought u were gonna call him today? Oh well. You’ll do it eventually. I gotta go and call the new apartment place so that I can take Tabby to see it. TTYL! (Fierce hugs back)

it is rather isnt it nice song, cute guy ^^ x

May 6, 2006

Nice essay. Missouri rules. me