my own personal struggles.


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Hey everyone. Sorry I have been MIa..Things have been crazy.

SO anyway. I got some notes from friends of mine with ED, Thinking oh why do you like pink, Because she makes fun of ED..But that is NOT what that video is about if you ever saw one of her interviews. SHe was making a comment to women and young impressionable girls about what the media portrays..I LOVe that song. If I ever had a child that had an ED I would get them help and I would make sure that they knew what they are doing with their body is wrong. * Sorry my opinion..YOU DON"T HAVE TO AGREE*

I use To have an ED once, in high school. I had a loving Ma and she got me treatment. Every now and then I still get urges involving my Ed but I dont act on them.

ANd this isnt pertaining into anyone in particular. Also yes in stupid girls she makes FUn of Jessica SImpson, ANd Paris Hilton and a number of other women, That make the Blonde steriotype impossible to live down and I commend pink for Pointing out as her lyrics suggest..

* That will never be me*

I DOn’t think any one should demean themselves to think that the only way they can be Famous, Beautiful and/Or anything else is to except a immoral Label and live by it.

Labels Only hurt who you can be. If people Toss aside Labels even small ones like I am*just* a girl.What would the world like? If all women refused to accept that they have to a be a size two to be beautiful, that they have to *dumb* themselves down to get ahead/be liked. What would the world be like? I doubt There would be a PARis Hilton or any of those other Blonde sterotypical women.


ANyway on to my life for those I didnt Royally piss off…

Tj and I have been trying to make ammends on sake of Bud. BUd went over to visit with his Dad.(TJ)He came up from NC for Twelve days. So he came over and got bud and they spent the last day and a half hanging out and playing. I hope he spends more time with him then that. As for the child support they have been giving him the runabout, call this person no this person no this person and he still has no answers. He is also going to get Bud back on Tricare hopefully.

………Well I am gonna check out my favorites. And again Hope this entry doesnt make anyone mad at me. Again It is JUST my views and I dont think anyone should believe it just cz I do..after all I am deranged ya’ll:P




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