what really bothers me about you

Lemme break this down for you.
You seem to think it is ok to lead me on and you assume it is completely ok to behave the way you do.
So what is your agenda?
Lie,manipulate,hurt me,hurt me because I hurt you?
What is it?
EIther way. I dont want to play with you.
I dont like your games.
I don’t play games with you.
I have no reason to.
I am completely one hundred percent honest about how I feel about you.
But apparently you are incapable of that.
So do me a favor,Either stop playing games with me or..
For get all about me.
Forget my name.
Forget what I look like.
I guess its a good thing I am moving..

that way I can get as far from your bullshit as possible.

I am a big enough enemy to myself.
I dont need you mascarading as my friend..being really my enemy.
Hurting me to get your rocks off.
SO go do what you want.
WIthout me.
But If I can warn any girls about you I will but us girls we have to learn the hard way dont we?

And I know you..You will make this all about you.
I am sure of it.

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April 16, 2008

heyo. thats a nice entry. sounds so like my inner feelings. u got it spelt out. woohoo.