yep yep another stolen survey*giggles*

Have you ever taken goggles into the shower with you? no
Have you ever stared at the blobs in a lava lamp for more than an hour? Yes.
Do you feel bad for a spider when someone steps on it? Yes.
Have you ever wondered why M&M’s are the color they are? Yes.
Did you ever memorize how to spell supercalafragilisticexpialedocious? yes
Do you know the names of all the American presidents? No 

Do you still wonder if Elvis is alive? Yes.
Have you ever treid to jump off the roof of your house? Not the house I live in now,but when I was drunk once a different house so ermm..yes.
Do you own a Chia-pet? No,I had a venus fly trap once though.
Do you consider all blondes to be dumb? No. But some pretend to be dumb too much also.
Do you have 0 TV’s in your house? No, we only have one tv.
Do you have more than 10 pet’s living in your house? We have six fish, and two cats. so no.
Is your favorite movie of all time rated G? Not sure what that means…?
Do you have an Atari system in your house? No, But my boyfriend has one at his mothers.
Do you buy more than 5 CDs a week? No,I like to buy food more then anything. Particularly dark chocalote, or vegetarian stuff.
Is your favorite color tangerine? No,purple.
Is your favorite food turtle soup? ew
Do you ever spend more time in your house than you do with your friends? Yes. I like my alone time.
Have you ever watched an entire episode of the Teletubbies? Yes..I have a four year old..
Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were little? Yes. I had an imaginary dog and a imaginary boy to play with all the time.
Do you ever talk to yourself? Yes.
Do you sing in the shower? Yes.But I sing all the time..Earlier I sang while I made french toast at 2 in the morning..
Do you have more than 5 body piercings? No.At one time I use to though then decided to take them out hen I was pregnant.
Do you have hidden video cameras in your house? No.
Did you ever think the government was spying on you? sometimes..when I am REALLY paranoid.
Do you cover yourself in tin-foil and put coat hangers on the ceiling? No.
Do you make things out of dollar bills when you are bored at the lunch tables? Yes lol.
Have you ever won a contest in which you had to guess "How many beans are in the jar?" yes.
Have you ever trash picked? No.But I do if I see trash littered in the ground pick it up and put in a trash can..
Can you fling stuff out of your nose? No.
Do you know the meaning of life? No.
Have you ever bullied someone smaller than you just because you thought it would be funny? No.
Do you count down the amount of days left in the school year? No I liked school.
Do you often see things that aren’t really there? Yes.
Do you see dead people? No.
Is this a yes or no question? Yes.
I? yes?
Do you enjoy tight clothing? No.
Have you ever gone a whole week without brushing your teeth? yes..But that was extrodinarily wierd..and I was drunk or broke..


Do you sleep with the lights on?  Hell A no
Do you consider money to be a form of evil? Money isnt evil..People make things evil.
Have you ever played bloody knuckles? Yes.
Have you ever had the urge to have a pickle and peanut butter sandwich? Yes when I was pregnant.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?yes
Do you believe fairy tales do come true? YES.  
Do you believe in supersition? 
 Do you watch cartoon shows every day? Yes.

strong>Do you read books for fun? Yes.

Every question you answered YES to is worth 2% of insanity, so count up every question you answered YES to then multiply it by 2 and that is your insanity percentage, count "maybe or "sometimes" as 1%.



um I guess that makes me about 44% insane..go figure..I figured it would be higher..

I stole that from my OD friend sadly hopeful…


Anyway not much to for some reason I was just really REALLY tired. I slept all night long.

For hours. upon hours. I was going to go to the bible school thing but come around 3 in the morning I couldnt sleep.

I have been doing alot of thinking and dealing with some things in my brain. G wouldnt leave me alone about it so I told him. Then he got all it was his fault because I felt this way..and IT WASNT. so I told him it wasnt. That I am allowed to change my mind..feel a certain way and he got unglued. so I stayed up most of the night un hashing how I felt and why I came to this understanding in my head and that it had absolutely nothing to do with him.

and sometime around 5 in the morning I fell asleep.

I climbed in bed with G and laid with him. I was scared about my thoughts and feelings and tired of seeing things and just wanted to feel safe for once. To just have my brain stop raging. It only does that lately if I get really tired and fall asleep.

so that isall. My mom said the thingy was an success and the kids realy liked the castle I built so that is awesome.

I miss my friends..Lately i havent been too good at managing getting the computer time I need until really late and then the people I want to talk to arent on. ANyway Tony I miss ya and I swear I am not avoiding you if you see this.:)

laters everyone.


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