So if this is how life is going to be… BRING IT ON I say!

I will scream it into the night if I have to.  I will stand upon the tallest tower and looking down upon the masses below, reply that I am ready for whatever life has to give me.

If you are wondering why I would suddenly feel this way, allow me to tell you.

The woman that I have become very… well, obsessed is a good word… (but not really, crush would be better) is dating someone else!  IN SECRET!!!  I finally get the nerve to tell her that I like her and…


She’s seeing someone else.  What bothers me the most about this was our mutual friend in this situation is the one that told me to go ahead, and apparently she knows about the secret someone…  Hmmm… Interesting.  Conspiracy, no?  Well, probably not, but non-the-less irritating.  Oy…

*in best pirate voice* Yar, my booty has been plundered…  Of course, I guess it wasn’t really my “booty” (not in a sexual way) in the first place. 

But thats okay.  I’ll live.  Grrrr… I’m tough!

*laughs* okay… so I can’t even say that with a straight face.  lol  Oh well.  🙂

Well, I must be off to finish my paper for Moral Philosophy (YAY!!!! Hope you’re catching the sarcasm in that).  Take care, and to all a restful night.

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December 23, 2003

I think i’d look at a situation like that as a learning experience. Maybe next time express your feelings sooner. Well not like that isn’t a obvioius one..heh. You’ll meet someone new 🙂 I see that you live in Washington. I do to!! I’m also Very close to Seattle. I think its cool when i find someone on FOD that lives near me. blah blah blah.. I’m bored ;P xoxo Chemae

:: Shakespeare voice :: Thy fair maiden is uhm…oh i give up.